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Everything posted by pers0n

  1. Upgraded to 2.2 and the values are null as hoped. Thanks
  2. I need to have events, they can have startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime. But but not all events will have a startTime, endDate, endTime. So I made those 4 fields seperate. But when I leave those 3 that arent always used, it puts in "12/31/1969" for the date or "07:00" for the time if they are left empty. I am checking for null, but its not saying its null, but I left the fields empty.
  3. $config->urls->root just gives me '/' I need to get the domainname (with http://) and possibly port# my site is on, so I can create some full link URLS
  4. I'm using the default setup in Processwire and only modified this a bit. I finally got it to remove the classes from P tags, but pasting in from Word is giving me double P tags for everything, but if I paste from a plain text it removes all my line breaks, so I cant win. Here are my settings theme_advanced_buttons1 formatselect,|,bold,italic,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,|,image,|,code,|,fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons2 BLANK theme_advanced_blockformats p,h2,h3,h4,blockquote,pre plugins inlinepopups,safari,media,paste,fullscreen valid_elements @[id],a[href|target|name],strong/b,em/i,br,img[src|id|class|width|height|alt],ul,ol,li,p,h2,h3,h4,blockquote,-p,-table[border=0|cellspacing|cellpadding|width|frame|rules|height|align|summary|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],-tr[rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],tbody,thead,tfoot,#td[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor|scope],#th[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|scope],code,pre
  5. Any documentation on what the options for this do? I've been trying to have process wire strip the classes from P tags and when I paste in code, its not doing it. I even edited the TinyMCE option that had p[class] to just the p
  6. On opensourcecms.com I periodically look at the rankings and for any new CMSes as I've never been satisfied with Drupal or Joomla. Wordpress is great for somethings. Processwire seems to get out of my way and let me do things how I want for the most part.
  7. Thanks. I read the post at: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,245.0.html to possibly use the module plugin for this and saw your reason for not having selects in processwire. The only thing is I dont need the "select" pagetype or children to show up as pages, as I would just use it for my own custom filtering code. Right now there is no option to do this quickly, I have to select each page and child page and go into settings>status and check off "hidden" and "unpublished". If there was a option under "children" for each page to set the status for all children that would make things faster. I'm sure others would like this feature as well --- Nevermind I notice if the pages are set to "hidden" or "unpublished" those fields wont show in the select. I was able to set the parent as hidden and that keep the children from showing up in the sitemap though //edited to prevent-double posting. Please use 'modify'/'edit' function in future, thank you, Adam.
  8. Is there a reason select field types are in the default install for Process Wire? I'm wanting to make a list of types of images a user can have, such as: wallpaper, screenshot, abstract, ... Because of this some might overlap, so I may need a multiple select (haven't decided definately yet).
  9. Nevermind, I got it with $page->userpage; <ul> <?php foreach($page->userpage as $child) { echo '<li><a href="' . $child->url . '">' . $child->title . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul>
  10. Thanks. I did as you said. When I created the gallery, I set a field called userpage and had it set to the "page" type. Now in the template I've tried to call both $page->children; $userpage->children; Neither variable is giving me anything back though.
  11. New to processwire, looks amazing. Found out about it at the beginning of the month and am now playing with it, so forgive my ignorance. I'm wanting to setup a gallery that belongs specifically to a different user page, because of that, I'm thinking I need a unique variable to tie the two together. I suppose I could put in a integer or textfield string for each user template, but then the user has to remember this, unless I "slugify" the title of the gallery, but they would still have to type it in fairly close to what it is. I notice processwire doesnt' have a selection box or auto tag pull in feature or anything like Drupal (a CMS I loathe) has. Example: USERPAGE TEMPLATE title: Bubba body: blah blah... tag? (easy example would be to slugify GALLERYTITLE, so "flower-gallery"): flower-gallery GALLERY TEMPLATE title: Flower Gallery body: Gallery of flowers... images: (uploads of images) Another alternative, would be to slugify the userpage into each Gallery instead, but that doesnt seem any better. A third alternative is to put a variable into both templates that has to match, possibly a integer or string, then the two would have to match up. Perhaps I'm just overthinking this, let me know if someone has a better idea to do this.
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