I was hoping to just get some advice on whether the method we're proposing for building certain site pages is the correct one when using Processwire. I've attached an image which gives an overview of the idea, i'll explain a bit further below:
We're building site pages which are broken down into multiple sections. These sections can be 3 different heights, have 3 base layouts for the positioning of content, can accept 4+ different types of user generated (page specific) content, alongside an override which would place a reusable block with its own template in a position. If that's not clear hopefully the image helps....
I am proposing the use of a repeater field to handle the content and placement for each section. This is where I am looking for either a thumbs up or a hell no......
I propose we create fieldsets within the repeater each of which handles 1 of the 4+ types of page specific content (video block, text block, link block etc...).
We would then have a page field which can pull in our reusable page templates (offers, USP's etc...). These are all stored in pages which are not customisable from this repeater, therefore they would just place their pages content into the page.
Now to get all this working I would have all of the above, 4+ page specific blocks & the reusable pages, within a single repeater, which in turn could then be added to the page x number of times.
Obviously this would look like s#it, and be a UI knightmare, so I would hook up another field at the start of the repeater which displayed 5 buttons, 1 per section type available. All 5 section types are then hidden by default (jQuery) and only upon selecting a button can you enter content (jQuery). Furthermore if these buttons are built from a single input then the value can be passed to the pages template and it'll know which of the sections to render. Hopefully this should remove issues like the users clicking all 5 buttons and entering content.
I'm a little concerned as to the size of this repeater as every repitition would be generating all the fields, even if the user can't see them. Other than that creating alot of excess blank data fields I believe this should work fine.
Being new to pw though I thought I'd push it out there so someone can tell me about the plugin I can download and save myself from typing such a long winded post ever again.....