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Everything posted by nellone

  1. Wow, this fixed the problem... I solved it in XAMPP by uncommenting ;extension=php_openssl.dll in xampp\php\php.ini , u've gained one like
  2. in my php.ini allow_url_fopen = On
  3. tried to set max redirects to 20. nothing is changed
  4. Hi, im a newbye with PW and i'm following the guide in the wiki in this LINK. I have a fresh install of PW in a machine with windows 7 and xampp. I've installed Modules Manager and when i select a module to download, i get always the same error: File could not be downloaded https://github.com/... The download links are like this: href="./download/?url=https://github.com/apeisa/Thumbnails/zipball/master&class=FieldtypeCropImage" i serched a while on the web and i found only the code where this error is called: // download the zip if(!$content = file_get_contents($url, $fileName, $context)) { $this->error("File could not be downloaded $url"); return false; could someone give me an hint? thanks
  5. i already installed and uninstalled language pack, because the language pack translates an half of the words.... the problem of unzipping files is where this approach is replicated to anyone else uploading script. Anyway, thank you very much for the help...
  6. i really appreciate your advice horst, but i'm working on a local machine only to setup a website before it will be published online. I don't know if the host will support linux shell commands... and i'm pretty shure i will not have permissions to run executables... i'm wondering why PW don't use php to unzip files... i'm pretty familiar with wordpress enviroment and i never had problems like this :\
  7. the problem comes when i upload a zip file (the language pack) through the "language support" module. I can see the file is uploaded correctly, but nothing more happens, so i checked in the apache error log and i saw the problem, 'unzip' is not recognized as an internal or external command This is the option in config file: /** * uploadUnzipCommand: shell command to unzip archives, used by WireUpload class. * * If unzip doesn't work, you may need to precede 'unzip' with a path. * */ $config->uploadUnzipCommand = 'unzip -j -qq -n /src/ -x __MACOSX .* -d /dst/'; but i have no idea how it can be fixed. I know the basic php script to unzip files: <?php $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open('my_zip_file.zip'); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo('my_extract_to_dir/'); $zip->close(); echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'failed'; } ?> but i have not the knowledge to implement this in PW
  8. Hi everyone, im running PW in a local windows machine with xampp, i've noticed that PW uses some linux shell commands as "unzip" that obviously windows cannot recognize. Is there some way to take a different approach while i need to unzip an archivie? For example using a php code for unzipping files instead of shell commands. thank you!
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