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Everything posted by ricknew

  1. Thanks again for the perspective. Yes, I did read that thread first, it makes more sense to me now. This related thread is helpful, too. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/ Thanks a lot everyone!
  2. There are probably lots of ways to include common content, but the naming convention of "head" and "foot" made this particular approach a bit confusing for me as a newbie. Saying the template files don't have anything to do with ProcessWire doesn't remove the naming association with HTML tags or standard header/footer template blocks. I'm looking forward to learning about other approaches to resolving the common content problem. Thanks for all the good comments and help. Rick
  3. Thanks for the perspective, very helpful.
  4. Hi Folks, Using a default install, I'm stepping through the tutorials, templates, etc and trying to understand the basic concepts behind processwire and at this point in time "head.inc" & "foot.inc". I expected to see the header and footer content available for editing via the admin, but instead I find hard coded content inside the "head.inc", "foot.inc" template files. So, I must have a model that doesn't match the way processwire works. Also, I was surprised to see child page titles and summaries inside the "foot.inc" template. Since this content isn't part of the footer, why would it be in the "foot.inc" file? I know I can roll my own and change this, but I'm trying to understand the model and why it was done this way. Thanks for your patience. Rick
  5. Thanks Joss. I've been through those threads, but I need access to a file on MT that isn't available with my plan. The local DB solution should be fine for now.
  6. "Exception: DB connect error 2000 - mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication." I don't think there are any firewall or AV issues. The connection is happening. It is the authentication that is failing.
  7. I talked with the MT support folks, too. They allow for remote connections, have an "external" hostname and have a field for allowed IPs. Nonetheless, everything I tried would NOT work either :-(
  8. Hi OrganizedFellow, I don't need to connect to the MT mySQL (staging) instance, but I'd like to have that option. It bugs me that I can't make a simple remote connection.
  9. Yes, I was trying to connect outside of the network.. However, MT does provide an external hostname and an allowed IP list for external access. There seem to be a lot of folks running into the "Exception: DB connect error 2000 - mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication." issue,but none of the fixes worked for me. Some of the fixes require access to the DB configuration settings which cost extra at MT. Thanks. On another note, I'm enjoying delving into the Blog Profile setup. It's a great way to start understanding PW. For my first foray into PHP you've made a really nice space to learn.
  10. Created a local database for PW and everything now works fine, even when running on PHP 5.3. I still don't understand why I can connect to MT mySQL on the remote server but not locally (PHP 5.3 on both servers) MT is running mySQL 5.1.66
  11. Right, thanks. I missed that I needed to re-install from scratch. Deleted everything and re-installed. Works fine now.
  12. The issue is only on my local machine. The site runs fine on Media Temple with PHP 5.3. I've just installed a fresh version of XAMPP so I'm confused at what's going on. I'm moving over from .NET, so this world is new to me.
  13. Just testing out the blog at http://untye.com.s164110.gridserver.com/ I'm getting the following error when attempting a new post. Can't save page 0: /blog-post/: It has no parent assigned The url on the post page is: http://untye.com.s164110.gridserver.com/processwire/page/add/?parent_id=1006 The url on the error page is: http://untye.com.s164110.gridserver.com/processwire/page/add/ To repro: Logged in as an administrator Go to website home page Click on "Add new post" Add text to the post fields Choose basic-page template( all that is available) Click on "Save" This is a new install. Thanks, Rick
  14. Agreed. How would I figure out if something went wrong with the PHP install? It seems to be running fine except for the connection issue.
  15. Looks like my local version of PHP (5.3) wasn't compatible with mySQLs authentication approach. I rolled back to PHP 5.2 and the error is resolved.
  16. Hi Folks, Ran an install at Media Temple hosting which went just fine. Downloaded the remote files to my local machine. Updated Config.php for external DB access. I'm getting the following error when trying to run the site: Exception: DB connect error 2000 - mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication. Please use an administration tool to reset your password with the command SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('your_existing_password'). This will store a new, and more secure, hash value in mysql.user. If this user is used in other scripts executed by PHP 5.2 or earlier you might need to remove the old-passwords flag from your my.cnf file (in \Projects\UntyeNet\wire\core\ProcessWire.php line 96) I tried updating my password as I think the error message suggests, but no luck. Any one else run into this issue or have an idea for a fix? Thanks! Rick
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