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Everything posted by thomasandman

  1. Thanks again! I will read & watch this stuff soon By the way, this forum is awesome "developed", is that made with processwire, too?
  2. Thank you so much! It works now perfectly! Maybe this three lines are helpful for other "newbies" like me (this is what I've done): 1. find the line "# RewriteBase /" 2. delete the "#" 3. Important: put in the whole URL of your processwire-folder without the "http://" Example for 3.: - My website was http://www.mywebsite.com - Have installed processwire in the folder http://mywebsite.com/test/process - So I've put the following line into the .htaccess file: " RewriteBase /test/process/ " (without the annotations, of course) Again, thank you, nik!
  3. Yes, I've all server rights & the htaccess is working (if I put "blablabla" at the top, the error message is visible). At the installation the only "errors" are the messages that I should rename e.g. the folder "site-default" to "site". So I did. Then some CHMOD messages, which I did as these messages told me. If there is a page named "processwire", how can I open/start it? I can't find any php file and have tried the following URLs ("wire" and "site" are the only visible folders in the processwire-folder): http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/wire/ http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/site/ http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/admin (which of course doesn't work, since there is no folder or file) http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/processwire (which of course doesn't.....) http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/wire/admin http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/wire/processwire http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/site/admin http://mywebsite.com/processwire-folder/site/processwire and so on...nothing works. Do you know where in the .htaccess file is set which folders I can manually open via http? Because it seems that the .htaccess somehow doesn't allow me to open the admin (If I just knew the right URL :-D ). Mh. It was awesome if I could see the admin panel...it's like christmas and I just cannot open the gift :-D
  4. Hey.... I cannot login into the admin, too. Nothing works, 404 or "Forbidden" errors. I even can't find the folder "processwire" or something like that. In the ZIP-Folder there are only the two folders "site" and "wire". Maybe "wire" is that what should be "processwire"? If thats the admin folder, there is even no index.* file... (only the config.php) I'd love to find out this cool-looking cms, please give me an idea where I can find the standard admin file (blablabla-admin....php?). Thanks
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