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Everything posted by doolak

  1. Back again... So i it and this code works: '"name":"Edit"' => '"name":"Bearbeiten"', works fine - just the menuitems are changed and the links to the files which include "Edit" in the filename stay intact. In case of "Move" its dfferent - i huess i have to work out how the class, which is necessary for the move action, can be added... --- Right now i saw that you have changed your previous post and suggested exact the same codefragment which i took - but as i said: for "Move" i have to add the class somehow. Not so easy with JSON - i have no experience with that - but really great that you find time to help me. Thanks a lot! --- So almost everything which is important for the moment is translated now - just a few notices "success-messages and error-messages" have to be edited. If there is a possibility to solve that "Move" problem would be nice - if not, i have to teach my clients what means "Move" ;-) - but i did not expect that there would be just a quick workaround so i am very happy right now! --- Ok, so i sorted this out: Even if i use the JSON code fragments in the LanguageTranslator.module, there are still some classes added which use the new word which was generated with str_replace. <li class="PageListActionBearbeiten"> (prev. PageListActionEdit) <li class="PageListActionAnschauen"> (prev. PageListActionView) <li class="PageListActionNeu"> (prev. PageListActionNew) <li class="PageListActionBewegen"> (prev. PageListActionMove) In case of "Edit", "View" and "New" this class seems just to be added but is not used later for styling or with jQuery, in case of "Move" it is used in ProcessPageList.js: $("a.PageListPage", $ul).click(clickChild); $(".PageListActionMove a", $ul).click(clickMove); $(".PageListActionSelect a", $ul).click(clickSelect); $(".PageListTriggerOpen a.PageListPage", $ul).click(); So for this moment i just have to change this one little thing in the core ("PageListActionMove" to "PageListActionBewegen") - not too much work to change this again after an update, i guess. Although of course i would like to avoid changing something in the core - but to manage that thing with the "Move" trigger i guess there is no way to avoid this... If this can be solved via hook - please tell me. So for the moment i have something like a localized PW which i can use for my clients' sites - and i am looking forward to see how PW will get a localization in future releases - will be littly tricky i guess, because one have to take care about JSON. But i am sure you will do a great job! [Edited by Adam] I glued four of your posts together
  2. Ok, i will try - just have a little dinner and then i am back... < 8)
  3. Yes, i did it like that and in most cases there where no problems, i had to make specific terms and it worked fine. In the case of "Move", "Edit" and "New" it was strange: it did not work - is this maybe because the HTML is generated by a javscript? I tried: '>View<' => '>Anschauen<', '>Move<' => '>Bewegen<', but nothing changed then... Then i had a view at str_replace and couldnt find a solution - i thought it was a problem with the "><"... But when i tested changing some other HTML code with the modul it worked fine. No idea why it doenst work in those cases - just maybe the javascript thingy.
  4. Thank you very much for this! I will check how i can work with it. When i changed the very first words in the core last night ("edit", "new", "view", "move") in ProcessPageList.module i recognized that if i change "move" to another word it will not work anymore - so i guessed that "Move" is used in another place, probably a javascript. --- The module works like a breeze ;-) - it's much more than a starting point - thanks for that again! As expected the problem which i described before resists - "Move" is used somewhere else - when i translate it moving pages will not work anymore - but hopefully this arrives only i a few cases like you said. --- Guess there will be a few things that have to be changed: "Edit" seems to work - although i get the following errors in the console : ProcessPageBearbeiten.css and ProcessPageBearbeiten.js not found "Bearbeiten" => "Edit" - lets look further into it... [Edit by Adam]: Glued three of your posts together. Welcome to the forums and please, use modify function if you want to say more than you said in your original post
  5. Hello Ryan, thanks for your answer! Yes, i knew this and it would be great if you could get me started with replacing words with search/replace in PW. How could we do this? Seems that localization of PW in general will be something more complicated because a lot of expressions are used by the system with Jquery, or am i false? Kind regards, Christian
  6. Hello Ryan - that sounds fantastic! I have actually two current projects which i would like to realize with PW - no other CMS fits the requirements as good as PW does. I hope that i can convince the clients that an english backend will do the job for the moment too - PWs backend is so straightforward and simple that i think that even somebody who knows only few words in english could work with it... And maybe I can try to find the important impressions in the sourcecode and change it there for know - if you could give me a hint where i have to search would be great. Kind regards, Christian
  7. Hello everybody! First i want to say how much i am impressed about PW - i have spent the last few days trying out a lot of CMS (like i do several times a year) and PW looks very promising. I like its "full featured simplicity" - lots of possibilities which are hidden in a simple tree menu. And the fact that everything is a custom field in this system - the feature for which i was looking for since a long time. Thank you for that great CMS, Ryan! It would be great if you could find a good possibility for the localization of the backend as soon as possible - if you need somebody for the german translation - just tell me. I am really looking forward to use this system in the future and hope that the PW community will grow and help PW getting better and better! Kind regards, Christian
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