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Everything posted by jploch

  1. Hi Luis, thx for your effort to the development of a lightweight shoping solution! Iam from germany too, and need something like this for a project Iam working on. I tryed your template with the module apeisa created. Is there a chance, we are getting a shop profile, with some basic shop functionality and example products in it? Would be super awesome, as Iam struggling to get it to work with just the template files
  2. Hi Nico, danke für deine Antwort. Die deutsche PW Seite habe ich schon gesehen, gute Arbeit! Für einen Entwickler hast du ein sehr gutes grafisches Auge finde ich, und das mit 17 Ich werde in den nächsten Wochen meine erste kleine PW seite launchen und dabei hoffentlich ne menge lernen. Vielleicht können wir in der Zukunft ja mal ein Projekt zusammen machen. Beste Grüße Jan ----- Translation: Hi Nico, thx for your answer. I have seen the german PW site, good work! For a developer you have a very good understanding of design and that with just 17 years. In the next weeks I will launch my first PW site and hope to learn more. Maybe we can work together sometimes. Best Regards Jan
  3. @pwired I may have exaggerated a little, due to me being very exited about PW as I learn more about it I dont have that much experience with the mentioned CMS solutions. From what I read and tryed, I felt like Textpattern and CouchCMS seemed to lack a little flexibility. For me the main problem with wolf cms was my lack of PHP knowledge. GetSimple seems to be really cool, but I like the content organization from PW more. That said I do think all of them are great CMS solutions.
  4. @vineonardo thx Man! interesting read. In my search for a cms to fit my needs I also considered Textpattern and other smaller cms solutions like GetSimple, Wolf CMS or CouchCMS. All those seemed to be great when it comes to smaller websites but lack flexibility and functions for bigger projects. Iam glad that I finally found the best solution (PW). The community seems to be really great too, nice to be part of it now
  5. thanks, for pointing out the difference between the two systems. I have a better understanding now of how PW works. For me its way more important to make custom websites, have the freedom to design anything I want and have a clean code, than selling themes. So PW is obvious the better choice for me. Cant wait to start working with PW now
  6. first of all thanks guys for the quick reply! @Joss your links are really helpful! I will definitely check out the tutorial. I have seen the showcase section. There is some really great stuff. I think it would be cool if the best sites would be presented with an thumnail view and a small description, mudules used etc. somewhere on the website rather than only to show them in the forum. Maybe that could work to attract more people to this great cms. Just some thoughts... One thing thats great about the wp themes, is that its a great source of income for a small designer like me. And I was thinking if this will probably be something to be considered for the future of pw too. As right now the export/import function of themes in pw seems to be inferior to the way wp handels themes. Thats just a small issue I have. I defenetly cant wait to use PW for my next project! @onjegolders I will try my best to learn the basics in PHP. I have just finished the beginners tutorial from Rayn (http://processwire.com/talk/topic/693-small-project-walkthrough-planets/) and I needed some time to realise how easy it was! I think you are right about WP. Its a mainstream bloging platform mainly buld to do blogs for people not knowing any kind of tech stuff. While its possible to do nearly any kind of web project with it, it often feels that ist not realy build for that. What is great about WP for me is the big user base and the possibility to sell themes. @Georgson Its really cool that PW has so much core functionality and still is so easy to use. I hate the way WP works with all the plugins you need, to do just simple stuff (e.g. Advanced Custom Fields). Its allways good to be independent. Iam still a little worried about the photo galleries I have with the new projekt Iam working on. But with a little help from this great comunity it will all work out @niutech I heared about smarty (mainly as something to eat ) If I understand it right smarty is some kind of php framework which replaces the original php syntax with shorter code? Not sure if that will really help me that much. Maybe I just stick with basic PHP
  7. Hello guys, Iam Jan a web/graphic designer from germany. For the last 2 weeks I was searching for a great cms soulution for small to medium-sized companies. My customers are artist, photographers, small agencys or startups. I really like the way PW works, because it seems like I can design everything and dont have to force the design in the system. I can write HTML/CSS and can implement JQuery as I would do on a static website, than I can make it dynamic using PW. Still there is one thing I struggle with, and thats to lern PHP. Iam by no means a programmer and I will never be one. I can see me learning the basics but would like to write PHP code as little as possible. I have tryed Wordpress for a small website and while I think PW is a much better/cleaner solution, I do like how it handels themes, plugins and backend UI. For me the plugins can really save me some time in using functions, that I would never be able to implement on my own or with a lot of work. To reach the Wordpress audience, there are some things that need to work better in PW in my opinion. -Easy export/import of themes/profiles without using modules -Showcase of themes/profiles on the PW site -HTML framework integration (e.g. Bootstrap, Kickstart, 960grid) and showcase on the website. -A simple Blog module. I know there is the Blog Profile but it seams a little to complicatet for me. -A gallery module with JQery integration. That would be great for the not so tech savvy design guys like me and other WP users. -Also a starter Tutorial on the Website (not the Forum) or a tutorial section would be cool, as some tutorials can be hard to find for a newbie. -The button view in the backend when you hover a page is not nessesary in my opninion as you can view it unsing the button on the top when you in edit mode. The first Option here should be edit, as thats would a normal user would do in most cases. Anyway I realy like PW and looking forward to use it on future project. Thanks for reading Jan
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