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Everything posted by dreerr

  1. Dear Community, Since I upgraded my local installation of MySQL to 8.0.17 (stable) I get all kinds of errors in the frontend of a installation. My selector is $pages->find("template=show,date_show_to=,sort=-date_show_from") and I get the error SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1525 Incorrect DATETIME value: '' so it is somehow not possible anymore to search for empty datetime fields. My my.cnf mode sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION But I already tried with sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Any ideas?
  2. @LostKobrakai Thanks, and where do I find that feature? ?
  3. Hi, I'm trying to export a few pages from my localhost to the staging server using the JSON export feature. I selected the pages for export, and left the fields setting at default (to include all fields relevant to the pages being exported). When I try to import them on the staging server, it prompts me to select alternatives for the fields I'm using, because "they don't exist locally" eg. "A field named “simple_text” of type TextLanguage appears in the import data, but does not exist locally. If you want to import this field, select a replacement field here." I mean, of course it doesn't exist locally yet, because I'm now trying to import it from somewhere else.. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
  4. Dear all, I have a use case where there are big amounts of texts semi-manually imported from InDesign, the process is that .indd documents are converted to .html and then chunks of the text are copy & pasted into various fields in Processwire. I'm using a CKEditor field for this and I'm stuck as all classes are stripped from the pasted content. <p class="Lauftext"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <span class="Bold-Italic">consetetur sadipscing elitr,</span> sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.<span class="Superscript">1</span> </p> as I have turned off ACF and HTML Purifier still all classes in the p and span tags are stripped. Any idea how to solve this? Tried in Chrome and Safari.
  5. Dear Mats, I'm trying to get your Leaflet Map Module with PJAX to work. I'm using the MoXo https://github.com/MoOx/pjax library but seem to have some troubles with it: I managed to configure PJAX that the inline JavaScript is executed after every page fetch, but I get Error: Map container is already initialized. Any ideas how to approach this? EDIT: I decided to use my own code with the standard Leaflet library and getting the marker with data attributes: .map(data-lat=$map->lat data-lng=$map->lng data-zoom=$map->zoom data-address=$map->address) initializing the map with import L from "leaflet"; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { let container = document.querySelector(".map"); let mymap = L.map(container).setView([container.dataset.lat, container.dataset.lng], container.dataset.zoom); L.tileLayer('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', { maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox.outdoors'}).addTo(mymap); let marker = L.marker([container.dataset.lat, container.dataset.lng]) }).addTo(mymap); }); and triggering DOMContentLoaded in pjax: document.addEventListener("pjax:success", function(event){ window.document.dispatchEvent(new Event("DOMContentLoaded", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); });
  6. Sadly I can't reproduce it working with TemplateFieldWidths still got a broken layout ?
  7. I can confirm this issue only affects Safari, on Chrome everything works fine
  8. Dear louisstephans, No, I'm having a viewport of approx 1400px, I attached a screenshot of the whole window
  9. I'm configuring two 50% fields, but they don't show up next to each other, also the first field seems off a bit. Is this a bug or incompatibility with AdminOnSteroids, TracyDebugger, etc.? I already tried all the settings in the UIKit module, also updated to the latest version
  10. Hey @Manaus I updated the Pug Engine to work with the latest version, it should work now again, please try!
  11. This is AMAZING!!! It will revolutionize Processwire! Will this be a commercial module or free of charge?
  12. THanks a lot the gamma setting solved the issue!
  13. Attached you see a comparison of a JPG I uploaded and one time applied ['quality'=>75] compared to ['quality'=>100] in the file size the files are 38KB resp. 245KB but on both you can find these artifacts in the blue and red parts of the image. Any idea to avoid them or try a different method of resizing? Thanks, D.
  14. @tpr I did no modifications whatsoever. Yes @matjazp it's stright from the GitHub repository. Thank you @BitPoet that I'm not the only one with the error, I've experienced the problem with Chrome, Safari, iOS Safari and Firefox so far.
  15. In the log files I get the error when trying to send a mail: Error in hnsmtp::send : cannot connect to smtp-server!
  16. I try to connect to our SMTP server, which has no authentification, default port 25, but when I test the Settings I get the following error server does not require authentication
  17. Does not make a difference if its local or remote. Turned Cloudflare in Development mode, Backend is working normally except from the bug.
  18. Just tried it with a fresh install of 3.0.80 and I am able to reproduce the error described above. Anyone also getting the same results? Steps to reproduce the issue: 1. create a Page Reference field with page field value type Single Page and input field type Page List Select 2. create a Page Reference field with page field value type PageArray and input field type Page List Select Multiple 3. assign these two fields to a template 4. edit a page of that template type and try to select a page. EDIT: I pushed it to the server here so you can take a look http://dada.ninja/page-ref-error/processwire/ User: admin / Password: pageref > take a look at the home and try to select something in the fields pageref or pagerefs
  19. In PW 3.0.80 I've experienced a bug when using multiple Page Ref fields. The Select button keeps fading in and out again. I've made a video to illustrate the problem. Any ideas how to solve this? video showing the error: PageRefError.mov greetings, d.
  20. Our Vienna based team searches for a backend developer, which specializes in Processwire for an ongoing business relationship. You will be working as a freelancer in a team of six people, clients mostly in the sectors of culture and art. If you are interested please PM me with a few references. Hope to find someone from Vienna, at least someone who is a german native speaker. Thanks!
  21. Heads up: after going through all the posts here I still couldn't get german month names to work. Reason for that was the configuration of the output formatting WRONG: date output format j. F Y results in 18. July 2017 RIGHT: date output format %e. %B %G results in 18. Juli 2017 The field description also states »Alternatively, you may use a PHP strftime format if desired for localization.« So I guess RTFM :-/
  22. No, that does not make a difference. I have to manually delete the variations anyway. In the file FieldtypeCroppableImage3ConfAdaptor.php there is a unused function called doTheDishes($deleteVariations=false) but as I see it this is nowhere called.
  23. This is what also works for me! But my problem now is, when the user changes the cropping area and saves the image the thumbnail variations are not reset / deleted. Any way this could be done automatically?
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