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Everything posted by horst

  1. I'm not aware of any module that modifys the page tree beyond hiding some pages, and never would even think of to try. I go with lister pro and its filters for stuff like this, because it is damn fast and easy to use.
  2. If I get you right, you want to show one page on multiple places in the page tree? I don't think this can be (easily) done. What is the reason for this? Maybe you can solve it using the lister view?
  3. I'm not sure if it is worth the (for me ATM, not available) time to add new functionality to this module as we got the "focus point thingy" now in the core. When this get a zoom functionality too, it is much much easier to use for authors and devs too. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.89/ @adamspruijt
  4. Cropping now can be done via a focus point, directly in the core image fields: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.89/
  5. To get a "quote" how useful it maybe for a specific site, log all (search bots) user agents for a while.
  6. Look here, there is complete upgrade procedure with help:
  7. ähhm, ok. Now I've learned something new. I wasn't aware that a single csv file already is a "pw language pack". Until today I thought it must be a bunch of little files.
  8. Yes, that's the prefered way for those use cases.
  9. Hi and welcome to the forums, @duncan That's a very well first post! Do you have this also in form of a pw language package? Or is it easy to generate one from your source? ( I personally haven't done much in regards of translation files, only downloaded and installed ready to use language packs from here: http://modules.processwire.com/categories/language-pack/ )
  10. There is an option in field settings input tab:
  11. Hi @Chris, you PM'ed me with the question if I once had written a module that creates one page per uploaded image. No, I never had. But those questions are better asked directly to our friendly and helpful community. I remember too that there was something, but was it somas images manager? or does anyone else has written something among that line? If there isn't anything else around here, you may strip out the upload and page creation process from somas module.
  12. Thanks for the tipp. I think it will be easy to find a solution that can work with the feeds.
  13. Maybe a dump question, but how or where can I configure Github to get email notices of every commit to the PW repository? I get a lot of emails for issues, but currently not for commits. Any hint is much apreciated.
  14. Yeah, what the long subject says. I need to know which JS part (code) or which event handler is responsible in a ProcessPageEdit page, because I want to disable it for a specific page in a specific state.
  15. I have a question related to security. AFAIK in a lot of shared hosts that are based upon php as apache module, not a cgi version, the php www-user only (should) have write access to files under assets, not modules and templates. Is there a way, workaround, for those cases to use the module too?
  16. But maybe this CKE-plugin is an addition for AOS? @tpr If tpr adds it, @marcus you may only check if AOS is installed (incl. the min version this plugin gets added) and displays a reminder.
  17. After some testing I now use a simple HTML file field embedded into a InputfieldMarkup: public function hookAfter_ProcessPageEdit_buildFormContent(HookEvent $event) { $p = $event->object->getPage(); if('my-desired-template-name' != $p->template->name) return; // early return !! $form = $event->return; $uploadField = "<input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='{$this->MAX_FILE_SIZE}' />Diese Datei hochladen: <input name='userfile' type='file' />"; $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $f->attr('name', 'my_markup_fieldname'); $f->value = $uploadField; $form->add($f); // write back the modified form $event->return = $form; } In init or ready I check for the file fields value, and if a file is sent, I validate the file and add it to a hidden PW file field of the page.
  18. Hi @kongondo Is it possible to use this in pws backend page edit? Maybe in junction with a hidden files field?
  19. Thanks. I have a page with a filesfield, I hooked into ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent and added the property noAjax = true. Result: the files drop area is gone, but when I select a file for uploading, it still gets uploaded directly. What I want is to select a file and its upload should start when I press the save button of the page. Is this possible?
  20. Hi, I have a use case where I want the user to select a local file, but the upload starts after he pressed save, and not directly via AJAX. Is it possible with our standard files field?
  21. Nusphere PhpEd supports all frameworks, just by crawling and parsing created/defined (site)-projects.
  22. maybe it is also of interest in which admin theme you are working
  23. Hi @Carlie Fairchild, good to hear this. I have read that you want to rework the linuxjournal website. Have you already thought about to use ProcessWire?
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