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Everything posted by horst

  1. Deprecation warnings say, that it potentially may not be ready for 8.4.2 or 8.4.3 or any other further version. But in my understanding, it is ready for PHP 8.4.0 and 8.4.1. 🙂 If the deprecation warnings bother you, you can disable showing only those messages with a call of PHPs set_error_handler(): /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES ************************************/ function myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { return true; // true | false = suppress further processing } // preceed the callback function name with the PW namespace, // and define the error types that should passed to the function set_error_handler('ProcessWire\myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler', E_DEPRECATED); /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES ************************************/ I often use this directly in site/config-dev.php, when I want to collect them, but only show them collected at the end of pages in dev local. /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES ************************************/ function myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { // CHECK / CREATE COLLECTION CONTAINER if (!isset($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'])) { $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'] = []; } if (!is_array($GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'])) { $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'] = []; } // DO NOT SHOW THIS KNOWN THIRD PARTY ONES : $hideThisOnes = [ //'FileCompiler', 'Duplicator', 'ProcessCustomUploadNames', ]; foreach($hideThisOnes as $item) { if (preg_match("/{$item}/", $errfile)) return true; } // ADD IT TO THE COLLECTION $GLOBALS['DEPRECATION_WARNINGS_BAG'][] = [$errfile, $errline, $errstr]; return true; // true | false = suppress further processing } // preceed the callback function name with the PW namespace, // and define the error types that should passed to the function set_error_handler('ProcessWire\myLocalDevDeprecationErrorHandler', E_DEPRECATED); /** OWN ERROR HANDLER FOR DEPRECATION NOTES ************************************/
  2. I had to fix the detection with 'is_resource()' into a combination with 'is_object()', to validate if an image load into memory with GD was successful. And just 15 minutes after I pushed my fixes to github, I thought: lets go into PWs online module section and update it too, - but it already was auto-updated! 🤩
  3. Hi @Ivan Gretsky I have pushed a new branch into Github here: https://github.com/horst-n/WireMailSmtp/tree/php-namespace This is called version 0.8.0 and all PW-PHP-module-files are now added into the PHP namespace ProcessWire. So now the module only can be used with PW > 3.0.62 (after merging to master branch). All the backwards compatibility to starting PW version 2.4 is lost now. 🙂 Please, can you fetch the new version from the github dev branch and test it, if it helps with your errors and let me know? For me everything is working fine here. The normal sending, the DebugTests in Frontend and in Backend, etc. PHP 8.1 + 8.2 ...
  4. Ok, I will try to find whats going wrong. And just for the record: I'm currently using it, also in PW 3.0.241 with PHP 8.2, without any errors. (?!?)
  5. Hi, @Ivan Gretsky Which PW-Version? (And maybe you can find / remember the first PW version, it came up with?)
  6. No! Just need a bit time for a short test. 🙂
  7. Ok! 👍 That is something, I can test here without having WireMailRouter.
  8. Hi, I don't have WireMailRouter and therefor don't know how it works together. But please can you (or @Ivan Gretsky or @wbmnfktr, who seems to have it too, like you) simply test the following OneLineChange in the WireMailSmtp-Testfunction? $mail = wireMail(); if ($mail->className != 'WireMailSmtp' && $mail->className != 'WireMailRouter) { .... It then will skip the abort. So, don't know if it then works like it should, but that's why I ask for the test. 🙂 Let me know if someone can do that, and if so, what was the result. Greetings! 🙋‍♂️
  9. ... what was it? ?? No, everything is good! ? PS: I do get support forum e-mails, (as a forum moderator), whereas 99% of the blocked messages are real spam. But today I've read this in the mail subject: "Jan Romero has posted a post in a topic requiring approval", what lets me have used the posts url-link to look at it! ?
  10. In the first page of this thread are working examples: like:
  11. Hey, I will try to test it with PW 3.0.220 + and make a PW 3.x namespace version of it, as I think, every PW 2.x installation that is using it, does not need more new WireMail-SMTP updates from now on. (As some or one of you suggested!) I try to do it this week! @ceberlin @Ivan Gretsky @zoeck ...
  12. Sorry to be so unclear! But this "we" referred to the PW project! ? And yes, as @Jan Romero already said, it is only one in the wire directory, so that you can use your own in the site directories.
  13. Maybe your editor is able to use / change configurations via .editorconfig? Then it would be easy to train it. ? (We use it in PW, like in many other projects too. https://editorconfig.org/)
  14. Very nice! ?? (https://processwire.recipes/code-of-conduct/)
  15. Huh? I do get it nearly every friday. Maybe, you can ask @teppo to check this?
  16. Hey, today I saw this one in the github repo. A pull request named "Enforce sender in emails": ----------------- @eerojaaskelainen Greetings! My 2 cents: At least Outlook 365 accounts require that address in From-field must match with username. I've added a checkbox in config to override From-address to be the same as sender defined in configuration. Regards Eero J. ----------------- And he commited a PR there for. I have tested it and it works as expected, so I will merge this soon. Only thing I have to add is a) a small check with isset() for the new introduced $data['force_sender'], because otherwise PHP gives a warning about a not defined array key, when first time the config module is openend after the update to that version. And b), I have to update the module version and the change.log. ? So, many thanks to Eero! ??
  17. These files are third party classes from Manuel Lemos. I first thought to wait until he has updated his files, but a PR would be pretty fine!! ?? (There are already some parts in this third party classes, that we have enhanced and or fixed on our self here.) Thanks @monollonom!
  18. Hey, welcome to the forums. It would be good to know your setup (modules, PW version) and such a bit more precise. So, quick question: do you use a PW version greater than 3.0.89 AND is there installed the "Modules > Core > Image > Animated GIF Image Sizer" module? (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/18387-pw-3090-–-core-updates/)
  19. hey @Nomak, you said you have installed the module. Do you mean the module shipped within the PW core? How exactly have you installed it? (The questions are only for me to get clear informations.) You also can set debug to true, so there should or could be some debug log saved when the image sizing is processed and / or failed.
  20. Have you tried to add the same template name with repeater_** set in front? Or how exactly the repeaters template is named? If I remember right, this should work. Example: You have a simple template called "mytemplate", and have a repeater field in it, you need to set up the CAI3 and CAI4 fields with BOTH template names. The one from the template and the one from the repeater field. (They have own, system needed, templates / templatenames)
  21. Oh sorry to be not clear. I will update my initial post later with a link, when I'm back in the office. I'm speaking about the SEO yoast plugin for w*rdpr*ss, and available for other CMSs and as a bare JS libeary too, if I had read it right.
  22. That's a good Blog post! I really want to read a part two, (and maybe three?). ? Also very useful for new starters, I believe.
  23. Hey @Pete, I do not see any possible improvements with your code. (So this also may be a bit because my CLI knowledge of this tools maybe a bit lower as you expect. ? - On my local machine I (can & do) use other tools for those things. ?)
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