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Everything posted by Webjack

  1. I'm using a beginners version and am surprised that the children and grandchildren pages are not listed in the drop down menu type menu items. I looked at the code and, as far as I understand, it is implemented for that. <!-- top navigation --> <ul class='topnav' role='navigation'><?php // top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children $homepage = $pages->get('/'); $children = $homepage->children(); // make 'home' the first item in the navigation $children->prepend($homepage); // render an <li> for each top navigation item foreach($children as $child) { if($child->id == $page->rootParent->id) { // this $child page is currently being viewed (or one of it's children/descendents) // so we highlight it as the current page in the navigation echo "<li class='current' aria-current='true'>"; echo "<span class='visually-hidden'>Current page: </span>"; echo "<a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>"; } } // output an "Edit" link if this page happens to be editable by the current user if($page->editable()) { echo "<li class='edit'><a href='$page->editUrl'>Edit</a></li>"; } ?></ul> I spent the afternoon trying to figure out why it doesn't work for me and thought that somewhere in the administration there's a checkbox to enable this function that I'd inadvertently disabled. What can you tell me about this ?
  2. @ Ryan Yes, I had understood that there was a question about whether or not to integrate several profiles into the install, and it would indeed be good if at least the beginner version were equipped with it, because what could be more frustrating than having to install again to visit the other profiles? I think I read somewhere that it's now possible to install another profile even after installation is complete. I'll have to find those conversations again to test this procedure myself. ?
  3. OK to delete the files and the Modules table in the DB. ? Well, I reinstalled in PHP8 on an independent space and everything went fine. ? I was able to install my first modules and discover how they work, plus a lot of other things ? Of course, all this raises a lot of new questions, but I'll ask them when the time comes. Many thanks da² for your help in helping me discover ProcessWire. ?
  4. Oops ! A copy/paste error. I'm sorry. :-// HI da² ? For your information, this PW was installed in PHP version 7.4.33 and then upgraded to PHP 8.0.30 to check whether the parse error persisted. There were no errors during installation, which only appeared after the upgrade, and this probably explains it. I've upgraded to 7.4.33 and there are no more warnings except for the module's parse errors. In fact, I'm pleased with this little problem, because it's made me realize that installing a module can be a hassle, and that you have to be careful to read their documentation, which brings me to another question. If, in a case like this, activating a module prevents PW from working properly and you can't uninstall it, what's the best way to get rid of it? Delete its files via FTP, for example? In the meantime, I'm going to install ProcessWire in another directory, this time in PHP 8.0.30, and install this module to see what happens. To be continued... ? Ok for that. Thank you. ?
  5. Je viens d'essayer de mettre à jour le site vers PHPVersion 8.0.30 et le message a disparu, le site s'affiche (appartement) normalement mais une nouvelle erreur apparaît dans l'administration lorsque j'essaye de visualiser mes pages. Voir l'image ci-dessus et une série d'avertissements apparaissent en mode débogage. Je pense que je devrais rester avec PHP version 7.4.33, n'est-ce pas ? Attention : Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'mysql.so' (essayé : /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/ modules/mysql.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64 /php/modules/mysql.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)) dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'json.so' (essayé : /opt/ alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type), /opt /alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé : aucun fichier de ce type ou répertoire)) dans Inconnu en ligne 0 Attention : Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'nd_mysqli.so' (essayé : /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so (/opt/alt/ php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so : symbole non défini : mysqlnd_global_stats), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/ lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)) dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'xml.so' (essayé : /opt /alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type), / opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé : aucun fichier de ce type ou répertoire)) dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'xmlreader.so' (essayé : /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so (/opt/alt /php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so : symbole non défini : dom_node_class_entry), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr /lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)) dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Le module "mcrypt" est déjà chargé dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Module "intl " est déjà chargé dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Le module "fileinfo" est déjà chargé dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention: Démarrage PHP : Impossible de charger la bibliothèque dynamique 'ioncube.so' (essayé : /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules /ioncube.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/ php/modules/ioncube.so.so : impossible d'ouvrir le fichier objet partagé : aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)) dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Le module "mysqli" est déjà chargé dans Inconnu à la ligne 0 Attention : Impossible de charger le module "memcached" car le module requis "igbinary" n'est pas chargé dans Inconnu à la ligne 0
  6. Hello, ? I installed PW for the first time and now it's time to experiment with the installation of modules. The first one on my list was also my first problem ? It's the FrontendForms module, which I installed in the Modules/install section of my administration. A Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected occurred and persists on all items in the Modules category (site, Core, Configure etc...) and of course, I don't know how to fix this error in the site/modules/FrontendForms/FrontendForms.module file at line 70. Maybe it's because this module is designed for PHP>=8.0.0 and my site runs on PHP Version 7.4.33? Can you tell me if this error can still be fixed and, if not, how to uninstall this module? Thank you for your help. ?
  7. Hello everyone. ? WordPress, Squarespace or Wix? Uh...not for me ? These commercial CMS, as powerful as they are, don't suit me and I generally use very simple CMS, Open-source and easily modulable to get my results but their rigid concept doesn't allow me to progress and it's exactly for the reasons you develop @poljpocket the arguments that I'm interested in PW that I only discovered a few days ago. Of course, my minimal skills in PHP or other programming languages are a hindrance but, as @Nicolas writes, "between the documentation, which is very well done, and the support of the community on the forum, you can make rapid progress". I'm counting on it and I'll finally be able to realize my dream of building a tool that will allow me to display my data as I see fit. ? That ties in with my initial post, which regretted that ProcessWire's communication didn't emphasize the fact that it's aimed specifically at developers or people working to become one. Now, it's also an opportunity to win over tinkerers of my kind who just want to go further, and that's what's so wonderful about ProcessWire, its documentation and its community. Thank you for your warm welcome. ?
  8. Ps: Sorry for my English. I'm French and use a translator.
  9. Hello Ryan, hello everyone, I've just discovered ProcessWire and I'm delighted. :-) As a beginner with this CMS, I'd like to share one or two little thoughts that are important when discovering and evaluating this tool. 1/ I installed Softaculous for the first time, and the installer doesn't offer to integrate a site profile as with the latest version, which I downloaded and installed manually. It was by studying the documentation that I learned about the existence of profiles (and many other things) and the installation procedure and, if I hadn't spent time reading the tutorials, I'd never have understood the concept of profiles and templates which, incidentally, I still don't fully understand, but I'm working on it ;) All this to say that the beginner who installs with Softaculous has every chance of getting lost if he doesn't have the patience and motivation to read the docs first, which we never do when we test unknown CMSes in general. :-D By installing ProcessWire manually via FTP, it's already much better. Which brings me to point 2/ In the presentation of this CMS, it's repeated very often (too often) that it's simple, easy, within everyone's reach and, while it's true that someone with a bit of experience can manage it because the documentation and help systems are very well done, the lambda user who's used to CMS but isn't a developer will fear his own limitations. I myself am impressed by the quality and possibilities offered, but I feel very small when I read the various topics on these forums. How far would I go?) Having said that, I think this is a wonderful product and thank you all warmly for having invented it and maintaining it for everyone's happiness. :)
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