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Everything posted by Webjack

  1. Unfortunately not JoséFrasher, I admit I didn't have time to think about it because discovering PW is fascinating. I will search for you the posts that I read on this subject.
  2. Gosh, that's a good answer and well documented too ? Many thanks Da2, I'll look into that too.
  3. Hello poljpocket, ? These are some interesting ideas that I'm going to look into while trying to respect my specifications, i.e. my timing, because as everything I'm discovering here is new, depending on the difficulty I'll have to prioritize. ProcessWire is so powerful! ? As for the API, I've already read about it and worked on it, and it's planned to tackle it after the emergencies, although from what I understand it's quite useful. But there are a couple of things to be done first, which are well under way. Let's say a good week. PRO modules Even though FormBuilder seems to be a must-have from what I've heard, it comes with a pretty hefty price tag (at least for me) and my sites aren't commercial, apart from the sale of a few manuals and tutorials I've written myself, but we're still in the amateur business. What's more, I'm not far enough advanced with PW to claim to be tackling too high a level, my vocation at the moment being to learn. I'm thinking, of course, of LoginRegisterPro, which in another context I'd have bought straight away ? As I'm still at the bottom of the ladder, I'll settle for something semi-automatic, processing publication alerts by hand to avoid my subscribers receiving too many and just what interests them. As far as legislation is concerned, I'm perfectly well informed, which is why I've been talking about "alerts" and not "newsletters" from the start, although they're practically the same thing ? Thank you all for giving me work. ?
  4. I an sorry. ? Usualy, I translate before posting but this Time y forgot.il a mistaque.
  5. Well, that’s a nice answer! ? For the videos, I don't understand English well enough to follow them but I know where to find excellent tutorials within my reach because if I have a few basics and understand how they work I never had the courage to do so. 'study in a good way. Now, at 72, it's a little late to get started, especially since I'm very busy with my passion. A big thank you of course because you understood my needs and gave more than just hints to get where I want to go. I will show you the results
  6. Thank you for your answer szabesz which is in line with what I am trying to do. I need a tool that is as simple as possible to set up and facilitate the action of the visitor who, with one click, will be able to subscribe to notifications which tell them that there is something new on the site. site. A new chapter to a story for example. Usually, I inserted an email box where the visitor registers but that was before because now, I want to create my tool with the possibilities that PW offers internally. This allows me to learn ProcessWire which is the primary purpose of the operation. For FrontendForms, I have already downloaded it and will install it tonight. But for my notifications I have to go through email, to collect registrations, a simple email field should do the trick, but I don't know how to save the addresses on the page or elsewhere.
  7. But the administration is already in French ? Now, this exchange has got me thinking and, while I'm very happy to have installed and examined the multi-language (I'm not done yet), I realize that, in addition to curiosity, I have an old-fashioned webjack reflex, i.e., fear of breaking everything, choosing the easy way out so as not to get my hands dirty. Pow! I've given myself a slap in the face. Since it's up and running, I'm going to keep checking it out, but I'm going to install the French version on wire.reseauk.info. In any case, I don't need Finnish and German, thinking that anyway, one wonders why one installs languages since Chrome does this job very well and it's with it that I read these forums. Lol! Well, I know, Google's no good, but what the heck ? For customers who love coming from retractable client providers, it's u fact that the end user likes what's simple and reassuring. Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal... To the trash ?
  8. Hello Virtualgadjo, hello all, ? Oh no, I'm not taking advantage of pw's multilingual capabilities. I only became interested in languages yesterday and now I have to discover everything. Nevertheless, with what I've read got and seen with my own eyes, I don't doubt these abilities but there's taf and I need answers like this in addition to patience. We're right in the middle of it, and I'd already suspected these conclusions. I'm now starting to put it all together. In fact, the situation is simpler, if I dare say so, as I didn't want to take the risk of breaking the existing system despite the backups, so I directly installed a copy of Multi-language site profile in another sub-domain, if only to examine it and learn how to use languages. I was not disappointed ? I'm going to start by sorting out the last details, finding out how to make French the default language, and Frenchizing the administration if useful. With that alone, I've got 10,000 questions, because let's not forget that I'm learning ProcessWire and it's not a piece of cake that can be swallowed in five minutes. Mais quel pied as the French say. ? (But what a foot ! the French say)
  9. Hello everyone ? I'm new to the Framework and don't really know how to code, but I usually get by with the tricks of an old brigand. I always come up with a result by modifying scripts and inventing happiness. But I've adopted Processwire precisely because it lets you build something with the tools it develops, and makes itself accessible to anyone who wants to learn to code. So I've [courageously] decided to stop integrating external elements into my sites (in principle) and to learn how to code them myself. So, I need a lead. ? I'm building a learning-by-doing site that's already starting to interest people of my ilk and, as it's written day by day, visitors have to come back to follow my stories. Of course, I have the means to graft a newsletter script or something similar onto my instance, but I want to do it with Processwire. On my own, it'll be months before I get there, but if you can help me out with some ideas, it might go faster. My idea is a button that visitors can press to sign up for update alerts, with of course the option of unsubscribing without any formality. The alternative idea is to install a clearly visible e-mail subscription box, but I don't know (yet) how this can be registered on the page so that I can retrieve them to send my alerts, which will include an unsubscribe link. I'll take care of the management until I become a programming kingpin. For the glory of humanity. ?
  10. I have a doubt there. Is it the site that translates the content of the pages from a page that must be filled in or is it we who must fill in the pages in their respective languages? I'm a bit stupid with this question which seems stupid to me (although...) but I just spent the whole day trying to configure it. I have a doubt there. Is it the site that translates the content of the pages from a page that must be filled in or is it we who must fill in the pages in their respective languages? I'm a bit stupid with this question which seems stupid to me (although...) but I just spent the whole day trying to configure it. For de/fr/fi, this is set on each page when we write it. ?
  11. I finally zipped the files in the directory to be safe, sent them, and if there were no errors this time, the four languages appear in the frontend menu but clicking on the French tab gives me English while the others work with their respective languages. From time to time, during manipulations, the name labels of the frontend menu change by themselves and you have to rewrite them. More annoying, still on the frontend, the URLs for German and Finnish are in ../DE/ and../FI/ but English and French are directly pared to the NDD. mysite.com/english Which I think is normal for English because it is in the Default language and it seems that there is a hiccup at this level. By the way, how do I set French to Default ?
  12. Vous ne savez pas de quoi vous parlez Virtualgadjo.? Je viens de découvrir ProcessWire, j'ai déjà compris pas mal de choses au point d'attaquer le multi-langage car ce que je fais depuis quelques semaines commence à bien paraître mais, en chargeant un zip en français de Vincent, je viens j'ai eu une belle erreur. Est-ce que je me suis trompé de champs lorsque je l'ai téléchargé dans l'administration ? La traduction était-elle obsolète ? Y a-t-il eu un bug ou une erreur quelque part ? En ce moment, je vais récupérer https://github.com/virtualgadjo/pw-30229-lang-fr, dont vous avez parlé juste avant mon intervention, et essayer de l'installer. Pouvez-vous me dire quoi faire lorsque nous sommes dans une situation comme celle-ci, et pouvez-vous me donner un lien vers un tutoriel qui explique comment installer les langues ? Je suis méga-débutant mais je comprends bien quand c'est bien expliqué? Pouet-pouet! ? It worked, but I was careful to release the right file from the Master zip. I got the wrong folder (twice.) ? Thanks for your help. As it happens, I've just found a way to remove the error and I'm continuing to experiment. I'll give the result here. To be continued... ?
  13. You don't know what you're talking about Virtualgadjo. ? I've just discovered ProcessWire, already understood quite a few things to the point of attacking the mulit-language because what I've been doing for a few weeks is starting to look good but, loading a zip in French from vincent, I just got a nice error. Did I get the wrong fields when I uploaded it to the administration? Was the translation outdated? Was there a bug or a mistake somewhere? Right now, I'm going to grab https://github.com/virtualgadjo/pw-30229-lang-fr, which you mentioned just before I intervened, and try to install it. Can you tell me what to do when we're in a situation like this, and can you give me a link to a tutorial that explains how to install languages? I'm a mega-beginner but I understand well when it's well explained ?
  14. Hello everyone, Good news since the other day, :) I've taken PHP more seriously and am starting to put the documentation into practice, or at least what I understand of it. I can say that my next site will be powered by ProcessWire, as I'm so comfortable with this tool, which promises many long, studious and rewarding hours (months, years) for a little tinkerer. I've left my past behind and entered another dimension. Thanks again to all of you. :) My signature site is now dedicated to this apprenticeship. All I have to do now is learn how to make it multilingual, but that will come ;)
  15. I was right this time. Well, in principle. Now we have to test. ? I switched my hosting to PHP8.2. The alerts disappeared but I still reinstalled ProcessWire although reinstalling is a big word since I overwrote the files from the old installation with new ones but forgot to dump the database so that it was all installed. I had tried to install modules there which all had errors and I will know this evening if everything is ok now. On the other hand, in PHP8+, I have at least two of my sales techniques that no longer work and I will have to notify them. ?
  16. Yes quite. When I was younger, I started to be interested in server management because my dream at that time was to set up a system for automatic creation and hosting of websites not for commercial purposes. but for my personal needs concerning my associative activities. I started very well but it took up all my time and forced me to improve my technical skills and you can't do everything at the same time. I had to choose not to educate myself. For our errors, I wonder if the system I use to activate PHP8 in a directory of a hosting of a different version via .htaccess has something to do with it. It's the host who explains how to do it in his faq's but he specifies that this is not ideal. Personally I only use it to test scripts that need a specific PHP version and it has always worked like that. For my host, it is one of the best in France and I have been with them for more than 10 years as I am satisfied with the quality-price relationship and the feedback from the always attentive and highly competent support. Although the one I spoke with the other night told me that the configuration was correct, but I think he was thinking of something else at that time. It is true that it was Christmas Eve. ,) Well, I'm going to switch the hosting to PHP8 + to see what happens even if it means starting the installation again. I don't like to fail. See you for the news. ?
  17. It is not so simple, I have actually already checked two or three boxes according to the error messages but some were already checked like MSQL for example and wondered (as I have for some time now) about nd_mysqli.so and other json.so.so because I don't know what it is other than I find .so extensions in the php.ini file. It's like "Warning: The "mcrypt" module is already loaded in Unknown at line 0" although I found this box unchecked (I checked it). Some of the modules are coded for PHP8.
  18. Hello da², :) The PHP8 options on my server were indeed es next things to look at. Here they are. I'd already ticked a few boxes but couldn't go any further for lack of knowledge. There are extensions, options and the contents of the php.ini file at the root of the directory (in subdomain) php8.reseauk.info/ I don't want to upgrade all the hosting to PHP8 because I've been with this host for a long time and I have a lot of sites and programs that are a bit old and I'm afraid that some of them won't support the upgrade to PHP8 and it would be difficult for me to upgrade them. But this morning I thought of something. I could upgrade the host to PHP+ and set the directories of the most important sites I care about to PHP7.4. What version would you recommend: PHP8.0, PHP8.1, PHP8.2 or PHP8.3? Of course, ProcessWire has to be comfortable with it.
  19. Informations sur le serveur Informations sur le serveur Élément Détails Package d’hébergement o2 Nom du serveur framboise Version de cPanel 110.0 (build 17) Version Apache 2.4.58 Version de MySQL 10.6.16-MariaDB Architecture x86_64 Système d’exploitation linux Adresse IP partagée Chemin vers Sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Chemin vers Perl /usr/bin/perl Version de Perl 5.16.3 Version du noyau 4.18.0-425.19.2.lve.el7h.x86_64
  20. Oops! I don't know but I can find it. My Provider is O2switch in France. I'm on a shared server that I can't control. My hosting is in PHP 7.4 but I can change it specifically in a directory with an instruction in the .haccess. I have changed this directory to PHP8. ProcessWire needs ioncube?
  21. Bonjour,? Je voudrais revenir sur les erreurs survenues lors de la mise à niveau de PW vers PHP8. J'ai été gêné par cette histoire et j'ai procédé à une autre installation propre en PHP8 cette fois avec le profil intermédiaire car je progresse dans mes études. Surprise, juste avant l'installation, PW m'a donné les mêmes erreurs listées ci-dessous. J'ai donc vérifié les paramètres de mon PHP8 et finalement contacté mon support hébergeur (O2switch en France) qui m'a dit que les paramètres sont OK. J'ai installé et malgré les erreurs renvoyées grâce au débogage activé et finalement tout semble fonctionner malgré ces erreurs à condition que certains dysfonctionnements n'apparaissent pas à l'utilisation. Cette nouvelle installation se trouve dans https://php8.reseauk.info/ et info.PHP là : https://php8.reseauk.info/infophp.php et les erreurs restent visibles jusqu'à ce que je découvre pourquoi elles apparaissent. Powered by ProcessWire CMS / Admin Login Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'mysql.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/mysql.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'json.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'nd_mysqli.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so: undefined symbol: mysqlnd_global_stats), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/nd_mysqli.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'xml.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xml.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'xmlreader.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so: undefined symbol: dom_node_class_entry), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/xmlreader.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Module "mcrypt" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Module "intl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Module "fileinfo" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ioncube.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so.so (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Module "mysqli" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Cannot load module "memcached" because required module "igbinary" is not loaded in Unknown on line 0
  22. No, it's not a mistake. It's because it was written normally but, at some point, while testing something else, I got an error (something rejected) because there was confusion with a title. So I changed the title and forgot to correct it later. ? In fact, it's a test site and I've taken the opportunity to start a few articles to familiarize myself with the system, which I'm learning by doing. It's the same for English. I'm improving. ?
  23. Hello, ? I've solved the problem with my sitemap and am looking to adapt a script for recursion and here I am looking at code and learning PHP (and English) at the same time. I should have started sooner ? Then, while doing my research, I came across some very interesting contributions and was amazed at the possibilities offered by PW. What a job done! I'm delighted to have finally found what I've been looking for for years. A system that allows me to learn while I work, with enough resources at my fingertips to set up a site. The rest is done at the same time, and there's enough to last a lifetime. I've begun to tell the story in an article I started this morning about my adventure with this CMS-CMF. Visitors will be able to follow the day-by-day progress I've made with it. https://wire.reseauk.info/about/ Merry Christmas to all! ?
  24. Yes, but I don't have any children displayed. See https://wire.reseauk.info/. As for the recursion function, I'm working on it, but the script I tested earlier modified the Site Map. https://wire.reseauk.info/site-map/
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