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Everything posted by hipperman

  1. I'm trying to identify if a user has logged in through our PW login. It's using $session->login. When including /pw/index.php and checking $user, it shows only a guest account after I have logged in. My project is in a higher directory than our PW instance. Is that why it's not showing a user being logged in? Thanks!
  2. @ryan Thank you for your response. I've successfully included ProcessWire's index.php file and have access to $wire. I'm trying to use $user->email to get the email of the currently logged in user. The issue I'm running into is it's just showing a guest user after I've logged in. It seems as if I'm just using a new instance of PW. Here is my websites directory structure: root/pw/index.php root/my-project/index.php require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/pw/index.php"; $account = $users->find( "email=" . "hipperman@somecompany.com" ); print_r($account); // This is finding the user account print_r($user); // This shows a guest account even though I have logged in Any ideas? Thank you so much for your help.
  3. Hey everyone. I've built an app on a website that has ProcessWire in only a narrow scope of the website. They're using ProcessWire's login for certain users in this particular section of the website. My app is in a completely different directory, outside the scope of ProcessWire. I'm hoping it's possible for me to import ProcessWire into my app's backend and find if a user is current logged in. Is there some way I can do that? Thank you!
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