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Everything posted by roelof

  1. Thanks, I will read it and I have to do this in the page template I suppose ? Roelof
  2. Hello, To get a good understanding how Processwire works , I try to follow the basic tutorial. But I do not understand how the banner image is schow. I put the commands on my file but where do I upload it. Roelof
  3. Hello, Suppose I have a url like this : sitename/category/year/month/pagenumber. Now I want to set the number of articles on a page based on values of the url. So like this : if year=2005 and month = 8 and pagenumber < 8 then number_of_articles = 1 if year = 2005 and month = 8 and pagenumber >=8 then number_of_articles = 3 if year = 2005 and month = 4 then number_of_articles= 4 If none of the above is true then number_of_articles = 3 What is the best way to achieve this in Processwire ? Roelof
  4. sorry afzender vergeten

  5. I did that but still no luck. Still the same error message. Roelof Found it. Changed from virtualhost to virtualdocumentroot did the trick.
  6. Thanks, I will try them and hopefully my articles are not messed up. Otherwise I have to check some 800 articles. Roelof
  7. Hello, When I go to mysite/processwire I see a 500 error. When I delete the .htaccess file I see a 404 error (The requested URL /processwire/ was not found on this server) Can someone help me figure out how to make it work so I can make my first steps with Processwire ? Roelof
  8. Hello, I have read a lot how Processwire works but before I can start converting my site to a Processwire site I have still some questions. 1) How can I take care that 1 fixed article will be on the FrontPage. 2) How can I take care that there will be 1 article a page on my site. 3) How can I insert images on articles on a particular page. 4) I have to import my articles from the old site made by symphony cms to my processwire site. I can copy them 1 by 1 but that will take me months to work. Which options do I have. Roelof
  9. Hello, I installed apache on my linux box then I made a directory called processwire in the /var/www folder. There I copied the whole contents of the zip file into the processwire folder. But when I goto localhost/processwire I see a 404 error. Anyone a idea how to solve this ? Roelof
  10. Omdat wat ik ook probeer het niet werkt. Of ik kan niet inloggen of ik kan niet installeren. Roelof
  11. Thanks, I ftp'd all the file is binary mode and now I cannot install Processwire anymore. So I give up. Everybody thanks for the help and patience with me. Roelof
  12. @soma : I can provide more info as soon as I know which info you need. The only thing I know is that the provider is pcextreme from the Netherlands. Roelof
  13. Thanks for the tip. Can the problem be that Im on a shared hosting platform ? Roelof
  14. It was a standard install. I only downloaded the ryancramerdesign-ProcessWire-2.2.9-9-gd453a76.zip file. Roelof
  15. I have found the backend but it has no layout. And when I log in as admin and my password I see this message: This request was aborted because it appears to be forged Roelof
  16. Hello, I found the offending line. When I commit this line : RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?it=$1 [L,QSA] Then I see the frontpage instead of the backend but no error. Roelof
  17. @Joss : no, this is a new installed processwire @Nico : I did this and the problem stays. @Ryan : This directory is empty, so I cannot check the logs. Roelof
  18. Hello, When I try to visit the backend I see a 500 error. Can someone help me figure out why this happens and how to solve this ? Roelof
  19. Weet iemand nog een goede gratis hosting voor een svn repo for wat bestanden die ik gemaakt heb voor een linux distro

  20. Thanks, I will read everything in the coming days and if I have questions I will come back. Roelof
  21. Hello Panictree, I could give processwire a change but the first question which popping in my mind is what is the best way to make my site work in Processwire. I don't have a clue where to start Roelof
  22. Im the same. The first site was in Textpattern but I tried several other cms. Now I work in Symphony CMS where is the site is made of xml and xslt. I find it difficult to find a cms where I can decide how many articles are placed on a particular place based on the month and year and the page. Biggest problem I think I don't know many PHP so I have to learn that first I think. Roelof
  23. Hello, Im the owner of this site : http://www.tamarawobben.nl but im not happy with the cms I use. Now I wonder if processwire can do the job exspecially various number of articles on different pages. Regards, Roelof
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