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Everything posted by Manaus

  1. Thanks Macrura, I only wish it was so easy... The script is in a code I include in many pages, so it's highly dynamic I tried $page->rootParent->child, but I get the first element of the array, which is always blue.
  2. Hello, I have a site hyerarchy like this: /projects/blue/ /projects/blue/posts/ /projects/blue/posts/comments/ How can I get always 'blue', wherever I am? Mind that I have many colors... Thanks!
  3. Ok got it, foreach page { if it has children print children } and so on...
  4. Hello, I need to grab the bunch of pages and their children, I wonder if I can do it in one shot, or do for each page "do you have children? if so, get them". My fear is in making too many db hits, and slow down the page load Thanks!
  5. Wonderful smoky pictures called “meditations” http://t.co/UBt6VCggkI

  6. Ahh! The magic! Usually I do not cosider it as often as I should... Thanks @bwakad && @martijn !
  7. Hi, just trying to clear knowledge so far. I have a template with a "utenti" users field. I can get the desired pages with $pages->find("template=xx,utenti=$myuser") But using the api I have to do if ($page->utenti->has($myuser)) ... I have trouble understanding the differen for the same expression has and =, why not using *= (contains) in the selector? Or $page->utenti = $myuser? Thanks
  8. Hello, I need to store the pages a user has seen within a field, I'm currently using json_encode(pages array) to store the pages list within a textarea field, but I wonder if there is any better way. JSON use with javascript / ajax / php is making my code a bit bloated, and I'm starting to lose track of the overall design of my app. Is there any better way to keep track of those ids? Thanks for any suggestion!
  9. Hello, I have a page which is loading three times the same page, with different parameters. This is the code for the called page if ($config->ajax) { header("Cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } if ($input->post->proj) { $progettocercato = (int) $input->post->proj; $progettocercato = $pages->get($progettocercato)->child("title=Comunicazioni")->children("utenti=$user"); // foreach .... // print records etc For three calls I get 5, 12, 15 seconds of response time (screenshot) on localhost The page is called through an $.ajax function. Is it standard ajax behaviour, or am I doing something unnecessary? Thanks!
  10. RT @getkirby: A redesign doesn’t always have to be “all or nothing” Keeping the brand alive is too often forgotten nowadays.

  11. Hello, a client of mine wants to allow file uploading of these extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tiff, bmp, pdf, csv, txt, rtf,doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, mpeg, mp4, avi, divx, wmv, rar, zip Are there security risks with a specific format? Other indications? Thanks!
  12. Mit Condoleezza Rice im Vorstand ist meine Grenze erreicht. #dropdropbox

  13. Scapple on http://t.co/PIGMQOhPDf but you have to tweet..

  14. Thanks Raymond (nice picture!), I think the cached page is the caller, not the ajax stream...
  15. Requirements for the logo: 160x160 pixels, max 250kb size #surrealDaily

  16. Hello, I have a page making ajax calls, but when I go back and forth with the browser I see just the cache content. Is there any way to prevent this? I tried with all the meta tags available on the market today...
  17. Could be sorry, don't know how to change board...
  18. Hello, I'm trying to set up a 'keep me logged in' system upon user authentication, but after reading the suggested methodology -- http://stackoverflow.com/a/244907/1981613 -- I feel a little lost. Is there any module for helping such feature? Thanks!!!
  19. Hello, I need to make a recursive function, for printing children of children of ... of pages. I placed the function in a separate file, which I include. I get a "Error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object" This is the code: function stampafigli($id) { echo $id; // prints 1478 $messaggi = $pages->get(1478); // raises error $messaggi = $pages->get($id)->children(); if ($messaggi->count): foreach ($messaggi as $m): if($m->id): echo "$m->body" . PHP_EOL; stampafigli($m->id); endif; endforeach; endif; } Thanks for any suggestion
  20. I have two invites for the Atom [beta] editor… anyone?

  21. Thanks Adrian and Martijn! I see the field it's a standard title field, with Html Entity Encoder (htmlspecialchars) I guess I gotta change it...
  22. Hello, I have a page whose title contains a ' (single quote) Now when I get it and send it as mail subject, I get ' which is quite uninpressive... I tried to convert it using html_entity_decode() but it's not working. How can I deal with it? Thanks!!
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