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Everything posted by Soma

  1. $pageArray->has($page); http://processwire.c...er=has Also it doesn't matter if you add duplicates as PW will remove them anyway.
  2. Sure a login would help. I'm sure it's something simple.
  3. Make sure you published the roles as they wont show up otherwise.
  4. Soma

    ProcessWire on the web

    I also started to see u when i did the logos. In diogos I see Photoshop Welements. I don't think the cloud is something we should incorporate into a or any of the logos of PW. Just to fit the current website... which will change in 2-3 years. The letters typing is ok, but doesn't make a logo I'd want to live with. I'm not sure anymore what is required or not and the way to go from here.
  5. Just throwing that in, cause I know there some threads about similar subject. Let's see http://processwire.com/talk/topic/523-good-hosting-for-processwire/ I think hosting companies like serverInt are the ones to look out for. I'd even prefer to pay a little more if service is really good and server fast. Never take a cheap just to save money.
  6. Soma

    Hi Everyone

    Hey kongondo, welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here!
  7. The module doesn't parse plain text fields. Only Textarealanguage fields. I'm still not sure what should not work. It works well for all Textarealanguage fields, no matter what is called or where it is used. Every field if a href="..." found it will change it to be the right link in that language, prepend the /langcode/ etc. Tested back and forth. This is the behaviour of PW with languages and has nothing to do with this module. If an alternative language is empty it will fall back to the default. I think you could try appending the language id to the field name if you explicitly want a language. $langcode = $languages->get("de"); echo $page->get("headline$langcode|title$langcode");
  8. Sorry the dumb question but what if the center is near the edge and the cropping size wouldn't fit there (overlapping)?
  9. Soma

    Date input

    Use separate fields for d m and Y. Then u would be able to do finds more easy and have no limit. Not sure what else but there seems no other way. To calculate day of week Im not sure you could simply use php date functions to do that.
  10. I see it's a process module for an admin page so the template would be 'admin' and it already has page numbers active. So my first suggestion still holds true I think. Little OT: the selector should first sort and then limit as youll get different results.
  11. Limit=1 doesnt yet work. Also make sure page mumbers are turned on on template url settings.
  12. That would be after ProcessModule::execute. The $event->return would be the markup rendered. You could then wite $event->return = $yourmarkup . $event->return;
  13. I think this should do it. A check box is either 1 (true), or 0 if not checked (false). Also if you get fields like this you have to get the field of the page afterwards. Let me know if that works. $skills = $curpage->fields->find("label=Skill"); foreach($skills as $skill){ if($curpage->get($skill)){ echo"{$skill->name} "; } }
  14. Soma

    ProcessWire on the web

    Spent some time creating random logos. Some are more cool some are maybe not. Didn't care about colors too much. Hard is to do something with the pw letters in the fonts of the logo. Maybe choosing another font for a more iconic shape would be good. Anyway just some food.
  15. Damn, YOOOU stole it?! Time to span up my DeLorean hyper jump shield defenser…
  16. One word: MarkupSimpleNavigation Be creative.
  17. This is just to serve different image sizes depending on viewport size, I've used it here http://www.the-omnia.com and it works well but has nothing to do with responsive images.
  18. The trick is to post really quick some bs, then go and edit it. But since apeisa found out about it.... Those were good times!
  19. No it's not possible currently as created and modified have no outputformatting. I'm not sure a fixed date format would be good, if like this the date format string would have to be another option or take it from somewhere. I'm not sure this is something many people need. One solution would be to add date_created field to template and then you would be able to format the date easily.
  20. Ok I just created a new export with latest PW core and now it seems to work better and assets folders get created again. It's now there, let me know if any issues arrive.
  21. Hmm ok, seem to sorted it out. PW doesn't create a /site/assets/sessions folder. Once I create it manually it works. Have no idea currently what's about it, something that's different in new versions? Ryan?
  22. Hasnt this to do with the salt in config.php?
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