RestrictRepeaterMatrix by Robin S

Allows restrictions and limits to be placed on Repeater Matrix fields.

Restrict Repeater Matrix

Allows restrictions and limits to be placed on Repeater Matrix fields. Requires ProcessWire >= v3.0.0 and FieldtypeRepeaterMatrix >= v0.0.5.

For any matrix type in a Repeater Matrix field you have the option to:

  • Disable settings for items (cannot change matrix type)
  • Prevent drag-sorting of items
  • Prevent cloning of items
  • Prevent toggling of the published state of items
  • Prevent trashing of items
  • Limit the number of items that may be added to the inputfield. When the limit is reached the "Add new" button for the matrix type will be removed and the matrix type will not be available for selection in the "Type" dropdown of other matrix items.
  • Hide the clone button when the limit for a matrix type has been reached. Note that in PW >= 3.0.187 this also means that the copy/paste feature will become unavailable for the matrix type.

Please note that restrictions and limits are applied with CSS/JS so should not be considered tamper-proof.


Install the Restrict Repeater Matrix module.

For each matrix type created in the Repeater Matrix field settings, a "Restrictions" fieldset is added at the bottom of the matrix type settings:


For newly added matrix types, the settings must be saved first in order for the Restrictions fieldset to appear. Set restrictions for each matrix type as needed. A limit of zero means that no items of that matrix type may be added to the inputfield.

Setting restrictions via a hook

Besides setting restrictions in the field settings, you can also apply or modify restrictions by hooking RestrictRepeaterMatrix::checkRestrictions. This allows for more focused restrictions, for example, applying restrictions depending on the template of the page being edited or depending on the role of the user.

The checkRestrictions() method receives the following arguments:

  • $field This Repeater Matrix field
  • $inputfield This Repeater Matrix inputfield
  • $matrix_types An array of matrix types for this field. Each key is the matrix type name and the value is the matrix type integer.
  • $page The page that is open in ProcessPageEdit

The method returns a multi-dimensional array of matrix types and restrictions for each of those types. An example of a returned array:


Example hooks

Prevent the matrix type "images_block" from being added to "my_matrix_field" in a page with the "basic-page" template:

$wire->addHookAfter('RestrictRepeaterMatrix::checkRestrictions', function(HookEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->arguments('field');
    $page = $event->arguments('page');
    $type_restrictions = $event->return;
    if($field->name === 'my_matrix_field' && $page->template->name === 'basic-page') {
        $type_restrictions['images_block']['limit'] = 0;
    $event->return = $type_restrictions;

Prevent non-superusers from trashing any Repeater Matrix items in "my_matrix_field":

$wire->addHookAfter('RestrictRepeaterMatrix::checkRestrictions', function(HookEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->arguments('field');
    $type_restrictions = $event->return;
    if($field->name === 'my_matrix_field' && !$this->user->isSuperuser()) {
        foreach($type_restrictions as $key => $value) {
            $type_restrictions[$key]['notrash'] = true;
    $event->return = $type_restrictions;

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

I just love the easy and intuitive ProcessWire API. ProcessWire rocks!” —Jens Martsch, Web developer