Modules that have a unique purpose not covered by existing categories.
Modules 1 to 20 of 100
- ProCache 4.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
ProCache provides the ultimate performance for your website by completely bypassing PHP and MySQL and enabling your web server to deliver pages of your…
2013/08/02 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers, Other Modules, Premium Modules88 - FileValidatorSvgSanitizer 0.0.5 by Ryan Cramer
Validate SVG files: Validates and/or sanitizes SVG files.
2021/08/16 — File Validator, Other Modules5 - SearchEngine 0.38.6 by Teppo
SearchEngine is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for indexing and searching site contents.
2025/03/14 — Markup Generation, Other Modules40 - FieldtypeRuntimeMarkup 0.0.6 by kongondo
RuntimeMarkup: Allows rendering of custom markup within page editor and frontend via custom PHP snippet set in the field.
2019/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Other Modules20 - FileValidatorImage 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
Image File Validator: Automatically validate uploaded JPG, PNG, or GIF image files; or validate by API.
2020/07/20 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio, Other Modules, File Validator5 - MaintenanceMode 1.0.7 by Peter Burlingham
Allows you to put your site into maintenance mode so that users who are not logged in are taken to the login screen and a message is displayed accordingly.
2016/04/16 — Other Modules10 - JqueryFileUpload 0.0.9 by kongondo
ProcessWire Wrapper for jQuery File Upload Plugin.
2022/10/29 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules12 - ProcessMediaManager 0.1.1 by kongondo
Media Manager: Powerful centralised media management plugin enabling editors to infinitely reuse media - audio, document, image and video - across a site. Allows to easily…
2017/08/23 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules5 - SettingsFactory 1.0.7 beta by macrura
Create Unlimited Settings Pages!
2021/07/03 — Process Modules, Other Modules8 - SearchEngineFileIndexer 0.0.1 beta by Teppo
SearchEngine add-on for indexing files
2022/07/30 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept1 - MediaLibrary 0.1.6 beta by BitPoet
Simple Media Library module for ProcessWire
2019/11/21 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules12 - TemplateEngineFactory 1.1.3 by wanze
A module integrating template engines such as Twig. It allows to render pages or individual templates via template engine and encourages to separate logic from…
2019/02/14 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules29 - JkPublishPages 1.3.15 beta by juergen
Publish/Unpublish pages: Publish/unpublish, delete or move pages depending on dates and times using LazyCron.
2025/01/12 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - AnonymizeFields 1.0.1 by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Anonymize fields - DSGVO, GDPR: Clears or anonymizes fields with user identifiable data and additionally deletes all files if you selected a file field
2021/11/22 — Process Modules, Other Modules4 - ProcessGeneralSettings 1.2.2 by flydev ??
General settings: Module that stores global site settings
2018/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - JquerySelectize 1.0.5 by macrura
Selectize.js Plugin: Provides Selectize.js for use in ProcessWire.
2021/05/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Other Modules0