WireHttp::post() method

Send a POST request to a URL


$http = new WireHttp();
$response = $http->post("http://domain.com/path/", [
  'foo' => 'bar',
if($response !== false) {
  echo "Successful response: " . $sanitizer->entities($response);
} else {
  echo "HTTP request failed: " . $http->getError();


// basic usage
$bool = $http->post(string $url);

// usage with all arguments
$bool = $http->post(string $url, $data = [], array $options = []);



URL to post to (including http:// or https://)

data (optional)array, string

Associative array of data to send (if not already set before), or raw string of data to send, such as JSON.

options (optional)array

Optional options to modify default behavior, see the send() method for details.

Return value

bool string

False on failure or string of contents received on success.

See Also

$http methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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