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Dave Damage

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Community Answers

  1. Thank you very much, I will give the recursive functions a try, should be sufficient...
  2. This was my initial approach, but especially threaded comments are a little bit more complicated and I would like to use the renderList-Method for them. So as I said, it would be my last choice.
  3. Hi folks, I need to alter the markup of renderItems of Comments but keep all the rest. So my question is: Do I have to copy the whole folder of wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments and rename it to a new module? Or is there a simpler method? Initially I thought about using a Replacement Hook but neither $comments->render nor $comments->renderitem() are hookable according to cpatain hook. And generating custom output would be my last choise since the comments have to be both voteable and threaded.
  4. A webshop for a german music publisher. The good thing? They don't want fancy Payment Options, all they want is Prepayment. The bad thing? The german legal stuff...
  5. Well, still shorter than the Magento Checklist...
  6. Mostly Fall of Efrafa / Light Bearer (Crust/Sludge meets GY!BE). Fall of Efrafa - For El Ahraihrah To Cry Light Bearer - Silver Tongue And Year of no Light, Alpinist and Downfall of Gaia. (The more somber and quieter stuff of my Music Taste).
  7. Hell yeah. I didn't encounter any further problems, but I haven't done the big test yet.
  8. The main reason for icon-fonts is that they are much easier to use than svg. On the other hand, the moment one understands the flexibility and power of svg, svg becomes the primary choice. In most projects I use a combination of both. If the customer is happy with the default style that fontawesome or icomoon provides (and most customers are), I use fonts, because I'm lazy. If the customer wants something more unique, I rely on svg. I don't know if it's a german phenomenon but many customers also demand that the site is working with IE8 and then icon fonts become an alternative. In most cases icon-fonts are much bigger, you have to provide four (or five) different font-types, which is grotesque when you compare it to a set of svg icons.
  9. I really like svg not only because they are scaleable but they allow me to interact relative easily with them. For example I'm currently working at the mess of my CV (which we call in Germany "Zickzack-Lebenslauf") and so I aim to built some scattered items connect them with lines and when you hover you get the relevant data. SVG really rocks (nearly as much as Icon-Fonts) and I hope someday it will become common sense to use them.
  10. Building my own portfolio site and figuring out if I should use snap.svg, Rafael or building my own svg-related functions...
  11. I will probably be able to test it on the weekend throughly, but so far it looks stable and works like a charm.
  12. Hey Ryan, the problem occured when I updated to .17 and refreshed. Languages Support is installed and when I refresh nothing changes. But if it works in your installation, I suspect that something is wrong with mine. Edit: Just took a look into my wire/modules/LanguageSupport-Folder and LanguageSupportFields.module is sitting there... modules.txt
  13. Hi folks, since my Update to 2.5.17(dev), it seems that LanguageSupportFields was either renamed or is gone. Now it is impossible to install: Languages Support - Page Names Language Support - Tabs Page Title (Multi-Language) Text (Multi-language) Textarea (Multi_language) Has anyone else stumbled across this?
  14. A sidenote for all people using a Debian-Server. The module requires PHP 5.5 which isn't included in the stable repository of Wheezy (yet), but you can use https://www.dotdeb.org/instructions/ or compile from source. [Edit:] Fixed by Mike.
  15. The true horror of Microsoft HoloLens:
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