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qtguru last won the day on January 18 2024

qtguru had the most liked content!

About qtguru

  • Birthday 02/19/1986

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  • Interests
    I have interest in Sports ( Physical Combats & Ju-jitsu ) , Computer Architecture and Emulation and Software Engineering, Gaming, CMS and Small and Medium Businesses. I love building solutions and having fun,

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Community Answers

  1. Doesn't matter much to me, what matters is the recipe and the content within itself.
  2. Agreed, because I read alot of forums and realized that it could allude to a myriad of reasons, only reason I was able to sort this was looking at the source and getting help from @Christophe
  3. @Christophe Thanks to Christophe for suggestion the PHP Session save path, I set it to my writable folder and now it works, had to do in this in PHP Cpanel settings
  4. I'd assume this has to do with cookies, I see a folder path where it stores the session I will try clearing that because imported the one from my local machine into the remote server. I will update soon I
  5. Yes, I tried another browser, cleared my cookies and disabled sessionFingerPrint, I can't really pinpoint where the error might be coming from, unless i read the source code for Session::Validate
  6. I can't get over this page, I've tried several solutions, and this happens on my server, I imported the SQL from my local machine into Phpmyadmin, is there anyway to fix this ?
  7. Mehn you guys are awesome, I had no idea I made Processwire weekly
  8. Nice ,I'll check it out.
  9. Thanks I will take a look at it.
  10. View at: https://okeowoaderemi.com I switched to Processwire 10 years ago and it's being my goto framework for maintaining my website and also developing for clients. Development I used the moduleTemplateEngineFactory and TemplateEngineTwig, Twig has always been my favourite templating engine, because of how easy it is, to use reusable code and have an easy way to inject content into the layout, it's almost like MasterPages in .NET (For the Oldies)
  11. Progress is going on well, as usual my choice for Development: TemplateEngineFactory + Twig {% for article in articles %} {% set divisor = 10 %} {% if loop.index0 == 0 %} <div class="flex-center flex-col aa-list"> <h4>Articles</h4> <ul> {% else %} <li> <a href="{{ article.url }}" target="_blank" >{{ article.title }}</a > <span> {{ article.publishedStr }}</span> </li> {% endif %} {% if loop.index % (divisor + 1) == 0 %} </ul> </div> <div class="flex-center flex-col aa-list"> <h4>Articles</h4> <ul> {% elseif loop.last %} </ul> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  12. It's been a while currently trying to rewrite my website in processwire
  13. Are the 3 forms independent or you must fill one to access the other, I think it's not bad if contained within a switcher. We've created an app which required multi-forms prob 20 fields, Banking Apps forms depending on the Account type.
  14. It will be nice to have CI for Module, so it can be test against any new PHP Versions. Not a bad idea right ?
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