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repeater problem when bootstrapping


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I have the exact same code on two pages, however I get this error when the bootstrapped page tries to create the repeaters for a page.

Error: Uncaught exception 'WireException' with message 'Can't save page 0: /1385807809-24-1/: It has no parent assigned'

Here is the code in the loop used on both pages to create the repeaters:

          $item = $p->booking_items->getNew();
          $item->booking_item = $id;

          // calculate total item cost, based on postcode
          $item->booking_item_cost = $row['item'.$x.'cost'];

          // always just 1 for checkbox items
          $item->booking_qty = $qty;

Is this a possible bug with boostrapping?
I'm stumped as to why it's not working when strapped.

Looks like there was an issue with repeaters in the trash, after I emptied the trash the script worked.

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