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Error with front end log in


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I am getting and error with a front end login.  It is only happening for one specific user, and I can't figure out what's going on.  I turned on debug in the config and will attach the screen shot that he sent me.  If you would prefer for me to type it out, please let me know and I will.  The error seems to be the result of a selector, and it may be from my code; however, my template files aren't listed anywhere in the error stack.  The screen shots are from when he tried to login on his phone, but he has tried on his computer and gets the error using IE and chrome.  His username is set up has first-lastname.

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First of all, in my opinion you're giving a bit too much information about your live site here - domain and username, plus no proper sanitation apparently. Luckily the error is before actual login call and no password can be seen ;).

So, as the error message says, your selector value wasn't properly escaped. Looks like you're running a find() with only the raw username given somewhere ("First Lastname" in this case, without the quotation marks). This could be something else, but do remember that all user input should be sanitized before using it in your code. At least run the input through $sanitizer->selectorValue() or do some more specific kind of sanitation depending on the situation. If all the usernames are formed like "first-lastname" then do check that's what you've got in before using the value and handle the error properly.

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