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$_POST empty on post from different page.


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I've already posted a post about this earlier: 


And I've fixed that problem at the time to switch from WAMP to XAMPP server. I didnt know why it worked but you didn't hear me complain.

Now I've uploaded my website to a webhosting service and I once again encounter this problem...

So here's the situation. I try to post a comment from my homepage to a page called /actions/post-comment (this has a template)

This template contains the following code:

    echo 'POST HAS BEEN SET';
    <form action="<?php echo $config->urls->root;?>actions/post-comment/" method="post">
        <input type="text" name="harm"/>
        <input type="submit" value="test" />

This was for testing purposes. If I post here it does show POST HAS BEEN SET.

Now this is my form on my homepage (Taken fromt he HTML sourcecode)

<form action="/actions/post-comment" method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="comment" autocomplete="off" name="comment"/>

But THIS doesn'r display it. 

I am using PHP5 and standart .htaccess My hosting provider is Go Daddy and I am just stuck on this... I think it has to do something with 

htaccess but I have no idea what and I have no idea where to look.


As mentioned in the previous post, i've tried addint a / to the request but no

Please help,

Much appriciated.

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<form action="/actions/post-comment" method="post">

You need a trailing slash, I think Pw does a redirect and you loose the POST request.

Please try this once again and make sure it does still not work.

Edit: To be bullet proof:

<form action="<?php echo $pages->get(ID_OF_PAGE)->url; ?>" method="post">
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