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Problem with isChanged/getChanges and textarea field


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Hello. I'm trying to track the changes of a textarea field. The field has a TinyMce inputifeld configured and Markup/Html as content type. To track the changes I use this hook in the init.php:

wire()->addHookBefore('Pages::saveReady', function($event) {
        $page = $event->arguments(0);
        if($page->template->name === 'wiki-page'){
                bd($page->getChanges()); //using Tracy here

The issue is that the isChanged method returns ['body'] even if the body field has not changed, but only when some type of markup is present.

For example, if I put some simple formatted text and I save the page, the changes are tracked correctly. But if I put a <table> or a <ol> in the body, when I save the page the isChanged method returns always ['body'], even if I have not changed anything.

Am I doing something wrong with the hook? Maybe the saveReady is not the correct place to track changes? Or is this a Processwire issue?

I'm using Processwire 3.0.227, the only extra plugins installed are ProcessDatabaseBackups and TracyDebugger, and I'm using php 8.2.4 in a Mamp Pro installation on MacOs.

Thank you!


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