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Permissions not working as expected [Solved]

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I'm working on a site that's expecting lots of "authors" who create "stories". A smaller number of "editors" will then edit the stories. An even smaller number of "publishers" will then publish the story.

Given that, I've created three roles: "author", "editor", "publisher".

Authors can only edit their own stories. (They have the "page-edit-created" permission.)

Editors should be able to edit *any* story.

That's what I think I've set up:


but that's not what I'm getting:


The first screenshot is from the "editor" role, the second is from a test user in that role. Note that the test user can't edit that story, they can only view it.

So it seems I'm not understanding something about how permissions and roles are supposed to work.

Any idea what that might be?

(Btw, the "publisher" role is able to edit anything on the site. That's defined in and inherited from the root, from the home page. That works! But I don't want "editor"s to be able to edit anything on the site, so I can't rely on inheritance for that role.)

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One other possibly relevant screenshot:


That's from the "story-item" template.

Authors should have the ability to edit, and that ability should be restricted by "page-edit-created".

Editors have "page-edit" and not "page-edit-created", so they should have the ability to edit *any* page.

But they don't.

What am I misunderstanding?

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OK, sorry for the noise, I figured it out. But oh my goodness, it's subtle!

Editors can only edit *unpublished* stories:


That is, I suppose, because they don't have the "page-publish" permission.

That's excellent, it's what I actually want, but as I said: oh my goodness, it's subtle!

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