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Help with adding Google Tag Manager code

That web guy

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Hi everyone! I apologize for what is probably a dumb question. 

I have two Google Tag codes that I need to have running on every page. Is there a specific way I should do this? There are no fields for it in the template. My first though was just echoing the tags with PHP on a file that runs everywhere. Is that possible? And if so what file would it be best to add it to?

I really appreciate your help, I have never used ProcessWire before.

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Hello webguy,

to integrate a Google tag on your site, you can integrate the code e.g. in the header template (sometimes _header.php).

But the answer is not quite that simple, as it depends on how the templates of your site are structured.

My templates usually look like this:

home.php (include header, templatecontent, footer)
basic-page.php (include header, templatecontent, footer) ...
and so on ?

I hope this helps 

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Hi webguy,

Unless your client wants to be able to entre their Google Tag ID themselves, no need to create a field for that.
As markus-th said, just hard-code it in a partial template that is included on every page (the one that contains the <head> part of your pages).

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