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Using HannaCode for hidden popup adds </p> to Body Output


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I want to add a popup glossary to my Body copy with HannaCode.  Example, my Body field is:

The best way to drive[[gloss tag="drive"]] the golf ball is to use a stead backswing[[gloss tag="backswing"]] and follow through smoothly...


My HannaCode is:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;
if (isset($tag)) {
    $faq_page = $pages->get('template=faq-answer,name='.$tag);
    if ($faq_page->id) {
        $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
        $charactersLength = strlen($characters);
        $randomString = '';
        for ($i_for_loop = 0; $i_for_loop < 10; $i_for_loop++) {
            $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];
        $popup_idname = "glossary-{$randomString}";
        echo "<a data-toggle='{$popup_idname}'><i class='fi-info'></i></a>";
        echo "<div class='dropdown-pane' id='{$popup_idname}' data-dropdown data-hover='true' data-hover-pane='true'>";
            echo "<div><strong>{$faq_page->get('headline|title')}</strong>: {$faq_page->details_text}</div>";
        echo "</div> ";    



It woks nearly awesome, and inserts the <a>INFO ICON</a> correctly in the Body output, and then after that it inserts the hidden popup html.  The popup works etc.

However, After the first ICON processwire inserts the </p> BEFORE the rest of the Body. instead of at the end

If I add more than one glossary definition to the Body, only the first one has this problem.  The (Body ending </p> that TinyMCE puts in has already been rendered.  All the others ICON links work awesome no other </p> tags are added.  

I end up with something looking like this:

The best way to drive ICON

the golf ball is to use a stead backswing ICON and follow through smoothly...




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As far as I am concerned I would be happy if TinyMCE/Processwire NEVER added the <p> and </p> tags to the beginning and end of my Body field output (or even all textarea fields).  If this is possible it would be perfect solution.

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On "natural" textfields, processwire don't add anything. The Rich Text editor like TinyMCE add code, because it is in the end a WYSIWYG-Editor.

But as an example, when the first line of my TinyMCE field is a headline, it doesn't add a p-Tag before this. It begins with the headline tag. As it should. And even not add any p-tag when the headline is the only thing in my textbox.

HannaCode add a p-Tag around the output, you can deactivate this behaviour on the edit dialogue of the HannaCode self.

Aside from the option above, a autoclose behaviour can come from TinyMCE or from your browser, when it thinks a p-tag is open but should be closed, before a block-element (like div's).


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