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Creating a Front-end Demo with Read-only access


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Hey everyone,

I'm looking for advice from anyone who might have built a demo site using ProcessWire with user login.

I have a site that's accessible only via login, and I'd like to create a demo for them to browse around.

Everything happens in the front-end, so users are already locked out of the admin panel. It uses the API for just about everything in terms of creating/updating/trashing pages.

My idea is as follows:

  1. Use the users session info to create a user account and pre-fill login data.
  2. Let them log-in any browse around, but not make any new/save/trash page actions
  3. After 60 mins, run a lazy cron that will delete their temporary account

I'm struggling on point #2 and whether there's hooks or similar I might use. Of course I don't want to show errors, so ideally I would define a pop-up via hook to say for example 'Saving is disabled for this demo'. I think I could manage that if I knew what I was targeting!

Has anyone done similar? I know the Skyscrapers site disables saving for example.

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, gs-df said:


 * Enable demo mode?
 * If true, disables save functions in Process modules (admin).
 * @var bool
$config->demo = false;

Thanks, I had to check whether I'd ever tried this!

Turned out I had, unfortunately it doesn't stop saves being made from the API or front-end, so I think I need to look towards hooks to disabling the key functions like adding, saving and trashing pages.

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