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403 error with multi-site on ddev


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I have a PW project with two sites - in site-admin and site-web respectively. I have moved the project from laragon to ddev, as I have done successfully with a number of (single-site) projects. However, this one won't run - I just get a nginx 403 error.

I suspect it is something to do with the way I have set up ddev to deal with the multi-site. Because I wanted a separate url for site-admin and site-web, I did the ddev config within the site-admin directory, rather than the parent (root) directory. I then set the docroot to ../ so that it would pick up index.php. I have set index.config.php to point the url supplied by ddev to the site-admin directory.

ddev start works OK, but I note that ddev describe does not show a web service even though it does show the urls.

config.yaml is in site-admin/.ddev and contains

name: BawdHall-admin
type: php
docroot: ../
php_version: "8.0"
webserver_type: nginx-fpm
router_http_port: "80"
router_https_port: "443"
xdebug_enabled: false
additional_hostnames: []
additional_fqdns: []
    type: mariadb
    version: "10.4"
nfs_mount_enabled: false
mutagen_enabled: false
use_dns_when_possible: true
composer_version: "2"
web_environment: []
nodejs_version: "16"

ddev describe shows

│ Project: BawdHall-admin ~/projects/BawdHall/site-admin https://bawdhall-admin.ddev.site                                               │
│ Docker provider: docker 23.0.2                                                                                                        │
│ Router: traditional                                                                                                                   │
│ SERVICE    │ STAT │ URL/PORT                                                                                     │ INFO               │
│            │      │                                                                                              │ NodeJS:16          │
│ db         │ OK   │ InDocker: db:3306                                                                            │ mariadb:10.4       │
│            │      │ Host:                                                                        │ User/Pass: 'db/db' │
│            │      │                                                                                              │ or 'root/root'     │
│ PHPMyAdmin │ OK   │ https://bawdhall-admin.ddev.site:8037                                                        │                    │
│            │      │ InDocker: dba:80,80                                                                          │                    │
│            │      │ `ddev launch -p`                                                                             │                    │
│ Mailhog    │      │ MailHog: https://bawdhall-admin.ddev.site:8026                                               │                    │
│            │      │ `ddev launch -m`                                                                             │                    │
│ All URLs   │      │ https://bawdhall-admin.ddev.site,, http://bawdhall-admin.ddev.site,  │                    │
│            │      │                                                                       │                    │

Any ideas?

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Web service now seems to be starting OK. The problem might be to do with the docroot. config.yaml is inside site-admin/.ddev/ but index.php is of course in the root directory above site-admin. This is why I tried docroot: ../ (I have also tried ../../ as I'm not sure where the root is supposed to be relative to - .ddev or site-admin). However, if I go into ddev with ddev ssh and ls, it lists the members of site-admin, not the root.

ddev logs shows an error of directory index of "/var/" is forbidden

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