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File error when generating WebP image from original uploaded file


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When generating a WebP image from the originally uploaded file (not as a result of using the 'size()' method), I see the following file error in the logs:

unlink: Given filename is not a file or link: /site/assets/cache/WireTempDir/.PFM0.24368300T1680350648RozEvGgLCG8JdZGUwLM/0/cookies.960x0.png-tmp.png

Note that the actual original filename is 'cookies.png' -- but the error message appears to show PW has attempted to use a (non-existant) variation.

The simplified code I'm using in the template (it will eventually be a srcset, hence the small 'width' to large file):

// Cut code fetching the $img itself
echo '<img src="' . $img->webp->url . ' " width="300">';

The strange this is, that the correct WebP image *is* generated and subsequently served ('cookies.webp'), it just throws a hissy fit while doing it (once generated no error is shown).

This error does not occur when generating WebP images from variations.

Is this a known issue, should I submit an issue on Github?

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