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Home page shows as install page after install.


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After installing PW 3 with the blank site option:

Viewing the home page shows the installation page.

When I go to edit the home page I get a blank page that says "Please update your /index.php file for ProcessWire 3.x"

When I click edit for the 404 page, it lets me go in and it shows up correctly in the browser.

I am installing in a subdirectory from the root called "2022" while the site is in production.

I tried changing the .htaccess file to uncomment mod_rewrite and put my subdirectory instead.

I also got a warning during the install that went away after "checking again".

I attached some screenshots to show what happened.

Thanks for any help on this.


Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.08.18 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.08.39 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.11.40 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.13.50 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.11.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.19.33 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 5.22.56 PM.png

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It turns out that it was only happening in Chrome. After deleting all caches in chrome and resetting anything I could, still no luck.

I solved it by going into my hosting and flushing the dynamic cache there.

I don't know why this only affected chrome or why this worked but it did. 

This allowed me to reinstall PW, then I had to flush the cache again to get it to work properly after install.

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