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InputfieldPassword not recognising repeated password


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Hi everybody

After some serious tampering, I was finally able to implement the «InputfieldPassword» in my Frontend.
(interestingly, the field seems to be made for the BE only, so I had to manually add the JS/CSS files - took me a while to figure that one out).

I'm using the Form-API to create the form, with this at the end:

$passwordField = $modules->InputfieldPassword;
$passwordField->attr('name', 'password');


The fields are being rendered, the criterias I set are working, too.

When I fill in the form, the matching password-function recognises the 2nd password and indicates that the passwords match.

BUT: When I hit the submit-button, I get an error telling me to «repeat the same value» pointing to the password-repeat-field (Javascript validation is turned on for the form, so the form doesn't get submitted, but the JS seems to validate the form).

Why is that??? Am I missing something?

See attached image for clarification.



Edit: When I turn off the JS-validation, the form is submitted correctly (I'd like to keep the JS-validation, though).

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