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Template caching issues


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I would like to ask for some help or maybe hints how to solve issue with caching. I love how easy it is to build a website with ProcessWire. Now as it is done, I am trying to step onto performance. The performance by itself is good already according to Google for instance but I need to apply some caching which I did try in the past in different projects but usually dropped it later because of problems.

This is the site, just for the reference: https://www.breclove.cz

I have 11 templates altogether. One template does not have a template file so it is there just to organize other pages and one is purely for administration of the website visible to superadmin. The need is to cache publicly acessible templates of course. So I took for instance the "home" template and set caching for 3600 seconds and enabled caching for guests only (see pic). The page does cache fine but when testing with Google Insights I found out it cached more than needed. I am using front-page edit which was cached as well for guests. What is more, I also have a special menu item in the main menu visible only when logged in and that menu item was visible and cached as well. The template caching cached the logged template output, not what guests should see.

Except for ProcesWire caching I also use AIOM+ but only to aggregate CSS and JS files to reduce amount of requests and to compress HTML, little would that be likely a related issue. No other caching has been applied yet.

Thank you for any hints or ways to debug this.


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