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[Solved] Help wanted to correct Tfa module issue


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As mentioned in the topic Tfa module not remembering me, I have som issues with getting Tfa codes to be remembered on a website on a subdomain.

I have about $70 (US Dollars) to solve this issue. Please PM me or answer this thread.

Here are all my previous posts from the linked topic above. On what the issue is and what I know.


I have ProcessWire 3.0.165 installed, TfaTotp 0.0.4 and TfaEmail 0.0.2. And I have the problem that the system is not remembering the login. It keeps asking for both login and tfa code at every restart of my browser. Also other users of my website is reporting the same.

I am at a loss where to begin debugging this issue. I have tried multiple browsers. Also deactivating all options in ProcessLogin for Do not allow user to skip code entry when any of these properties change does not help. The settings are for remember me for 90 days.

Any one had the same experience?




I think I have a relevant clue on how to solve this. It seems that the authenticate code is remembered on my "www.domain.com" page. But the problem I posted on, was on "subdomain.domain.com". So I think it is because of the subdomain. I have not yet found a way to check this out and test my theory.




Could there be some issues with cookies or sessions? Or settings that one would have to set for a subdomain login to work properly, so that the 2FA code is remembered after a browser restart?



Edited by snobjorn
Issue has been solved
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