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Permission issues on fresh Bitnami installation


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I tried to follow the Hello Worlds tutorial, but I'm stuck at the step after I have created the Earth page using the Planet template.

When trying to view the Earth page I get a blank page, or with PHP debug on, I see the following error message:

"Warning: file_put_contents(/opt/bitnami/apps/processwire/htdocs/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/_init.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /opt/bitnami/apps/processwire/htdocs/wire/core/FileCompiler.php on line 389"

The admin interface itself works.

Some permissions that I need to change?



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Thank you

Are you sure it's not 775 for directories and 660 for files?

I tried the opposite as you suggested, but that didn't work. Then tried the above and it works.

Not sure it's the strictest possible setting, but this is not running on a shared machine..

OK as long as I don't have anything world writable?



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Maybe you can lockdown further in terms of permissions. I use:

Directories: 755
Files: 644
.htaccess: 444
config.php: 444

Works for me. Whether it makes any difference is another story, I've just always done it like this.


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I just tried the following, I created a file 'chmod.php':

  chmod(".htaccess", 0644); // nothing lower would work here
  chmod("site/config.php", 0400); // this seems ok
  echo 'Completed'

...uploaded it into my root via filezilla, went to mysite.com/chmod.php. Back to filezilla, deleted the file.

site/config.php is now 400.
.htaccess is now 644 (nothing lower than this would work in my environment).

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