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Multi-language switch and AJAX


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Hi all!

I'm using a language switcher on a site I'm building, and previously this has worked fine but as I am now using AJAX (and the language switcher is located in the head.inc file (which won't get called again while AJAX'ing between pages) I'm curious to know if anyone has implemented a multi-language switch on an AJAX-driven site.

This is my simple switch.

<ul class="languages">
    <?php foreach ($languages as $language) : ?>
    <?php $url = $page->localUrl($language); ?>
    <li class="<?php if ($user->language->id == $language->id) : ?>is--active<?php endif; ?>">
        <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"><?php echo $language->title; ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

I had the same problem changing title tag/body classes as you switch between pages, so perhaps the solution is a similar one?

<noscript data-title="<?php if ($page->id == 1) : ?><?php echo $pages->get("name=site-settings")->settings_site_title; ?><?php else : ?><?php echo $page->title; ?><?php echo $pages->get("name=site-settings")->settings_site_title; ?><?php endif; ?>"></noscript>
<meta name="body-class" content="<?php echo $page->name; ?> <?php echo $page->template->name; ?>"/>

Then, for example, when my AJAX is successful...

var bodyClass = $('meta[name=body-class]').attr('content'),
if (bodyClass !== undefined) document.body.className = bodyClass;

Otherwise it just takes it server side from the head.

Do you think I need to set up something similar for the language hrefs? Any thoughts are most welcome. Thanks!

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This is what I ended up doing...

On each of my templates I added an include to languages.inc and in languages.inc I have the following...

	$languages_array = array();
	foreach ($languages as $language) {
		$url = $page->localUrl($language);
		$languages_array[] = array(
			'url' => $url

	$language_json = json_encode($languages_array, true);
var languages = <?php echo $language_json; ?>

Then in my JS wrote a function that updates the values of the language switcher URL from the json outputted per page load.

function languagesUpdate() {
	var language1Url = languages[0].url,
		language2Url = languages[1].url;
	$('aside.main ul.languages li').eq(0).find('a').attr('href', language1Url);
	$('aside.main ul.languages li').eq(1).find('a').attr('href', language2Url);

Then I called this function when the AJAX was successful and seems to work a treat. Maybe this'll help someone!

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