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Updated to 2.8.35, images not uploading


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I've just updated a site to v2.8.35 and have gone into some existing pages to upload some images/replace existing ones. The first one I tried to change just kept spinning to show it was uploading but it took forever, eventually i reloaded the page, accepted the warning it threw up re. upload in progress and found that the image had managed to upload. Any other image I try to update it just hangs. Any theories? Known issue?

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If possible, before uploading an image open your browsers dev tools and check out the Network panel (or something similar) in there. When the upload starts, you should see an AJAX request. Still in the dev tools check what the response part of that request looks like. If you see an error message there, that's the culprit (and the error message will likely tell us what exactly went wrong).

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I'm not sure exactly why, but it seems to be working as expected today, except for one other issue. When I tried to upload a couple of images that had failed yesterday I got an error – ""Refused file xxxx because it is already on the file system and owned by a different field.". It seems that the files were uploaded to the asset folder yesterday, but for whatever reason they weren't processed/resized or visible in the field. If I delete them from the assets folder and reupload they upload correctly.

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