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PageTableExtended + Twig Hooking Problem


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I'm using PageTableExtended to give my customer the ability to build modular newsletters in the backend. 

Historically, I use TemplateTwigReplace in my templates.

I'm also using a custom Twig Filter to fix some markup issues.

Works like a charm, except for one thing: When I save an edited section in the PageTableExtended Admin View, the "edit"-layer closes, but the changes won't become visible, because I get a server error: 

Error: Exception: The filter "nl_markup" does not exist in "newsletter/nl_header.twig" at line 13

So during the ajax update on save, my custom twig filter doesn't seem to be available yet. I hooked my custom filter init to the following hook:

$this->addHookBefore('PageRender::renderPage', $this, 'nl_markup_filter');

I hope this isn't too confusing to follow along. Can someone point out a better hook to hook in?

Apparently the Twig Module doesn't come with any hooks.

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