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  1. Hello, Processwire forums. I am trying to build a login and progress-tracking system for a series of 3 shockwave/flash training games that will be embedded in a page. There are 3 games, and we just need to know which ones the user has completed. What would be the best way to store this information in processwire and how would we modify it? We were thinking that we could use http post from within the games at certain points to mark progress at certain points in the game, but as a first milestone, I'm trying to get this working with basic html forms first but am running into problems. My initial thought was to make a special class of users called "gamePlayers" and to have 3 checkbox fields in the user pages that represent which of the 3 games have been played to completion. I was able to create a template page that reads this game-state information from a checkbox field using "$user->game1completed", but I'm not really sure how to use Processwire's API to modify and overwrite this information. I have used Renobird's login scripts from elsewhere in the forums to successfully login and logout users and to read whether the users have the checkbox toggled. I have tried a few approaches so far that have not yet yeilded good results. I tried making php script (to control the check-box toggling) in the same directory and ran into 403 permission problems. When I created a new template using that form-handling php script, I couldn't get the information to save. When I put a php script into the root of the site, I can run the php script on the post request, but I can't access or modify Processwire data. Could someone please give me some advice for how to proceed? More specifically, am I going about this in a crazy way? Is there a way I could do this all in one page? Thanks!
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