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  1. PAGEGRID 2 is out now! ? The new version contains several bug fixes and adds exciting new features. It's also more flexible and easier to use. Check out the new website ? and click the edit button ✏️ to see for yourself. With this update, PAGEGRID becomes a very flexible no-code editor that still gives developers the power and control they need. Easily modify existing block templates or create your own with your favorite code editor and ProcessWire's powerful API. Use PAGEGRID to build whole websites, connect PAGEGRID to regular ProcessWire templates/pages or use PAGEGRID only as a "body" field. PAGEGRID 2 uses as many native features from ProcessWire as possible (everything is a page). NEW Reusable Symbols Turn nav bars, footers, or any combination of items into symbols that you can reuse wherever you need them. (Symbols are pages) Animations Add powerful multi-step CSS animations with a few clicks. Use interactions like scroll, mouseover, inview, loading or click to trigger them. Reuse them throughout your website. (Animations are pages) Blueprints Blueprints can be used to automatically populate empty pages with a predefined layout. They are useful if you want website editors to start from a base design when they create new pages. (Blueprints are pages) DOM Navigator The dom navigator makes it possible to select any markup on the page through PAGEGRID's style panel. It gives you full control over your site's appearance. Style regular templates Make CSS edits to any template inside processwire just by adding the PAGEGRID field to it (works with any markup). VW and VH units Almost all style inputs now support PX, %, VH and WV units. Updated Google Fonts The fonts list has been updated to include the latest fonts and material icons. Datalist Block (PageGridBlocks module) The new datalist block renders a link list of pages that you can define. It can render a title, thumbnail, video, or text per page. This can be useful for rendering a grid of your latest portfolio projects, news, or a list of articles. iFrame Block (PageGridBlocks module) The new iFrame block uses layziframe to layziload any iFrame when you click a placeholder. You can upload a custom placeholder or, for YouTube/Vimeo, the placeholder can be loaded automatically and saved to the database (to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation). This is great for embedding external services such as YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Soundcloud, or others to your site. –––––––––––––––––––––––––– How to update from version 1: Please make sure you run the latest ProcessWire version before updating. I would also recommend to make a database backup for existsing websites before the update (just to be save). Then simply update the FieldtypePageGrid and PageGridBlocks modules.
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