I have the following page and field setup:
root_page (Page)
|- colors_page (Page)
| |
| |- type_repeater (Repeater Field)
| |
| |- color_repeater (Repeater Field)
| |- colorname_text (Text Field)
| |- coloropt_options (Select Options Field / Multiple values)
| (1=usable, 2=preferred)
|- products_page (Page)
|- product_repeater (Repeater Field)
|- product_color (Page Reference Field)
Now i want to fill the entries of the 'product_color'-field with only the color names ('colorname_text'-field) of the colors which are 'usable' (value=1) corresponding to the 'coloropt_options'-field within the nested repeaters 'type_repeater' and 'color_repeater' of the 'colors_page'.
I researched and tried a lot, but cant't really get around this problem. As a temporary workaround i replaced the repeater fields by subpages - but that isn't what i want in the end. And now i hope for a helping hand to give me the essential advice or hint.
Thanks a lot in advance.