As an admin I want to use the API to ask if a page is published - using the $page->isPublished() method - so that I know it's published - as opposed to unpublished or trashed pages. That includes hidden pages.
This method will correspond to Settings -> Status when editing pages:
(Published is also mentioned explicitly where the edit page says "Published on [?]".)
I would expect the API - and specifically the $page->hasStatus() method - to ask if a page has status published.
But as I can see, it's only possible to ask for exceptions such as isUnpublished() and isHidden().
// This fails with "Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Undefined class constant 'statusPublished'"
if($page->hasStatus(Page::statusPublished)) { echo 1; }
PS: My current use case is that I want to count number of published vs. unpublished pages. I can only do that by getting all pages (include=all), then subtract any unpublished pages.