Hi, I'm creating a very basic Processwire test site. My aim is to have the site be mainly HTML and CSS that I code on my desktop, then paste the HTML into certain fields of Processwire. I know very little PHP.
This main template page is for different kinds of fruit. I have my own navigation menu, a link to my own stylesheets, and one div called "fruit-content" that is the container for the "fruit_content" field I have created in Processwire, where all my content is going. So far, it's working fine:
The problem I am having is the images. I have created my own images folder. But when I type the path into the Processwire field I can't get them to show up. I've tried:
<img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>images/apples.jpg" alt="Photo of two apples." />
That works when I'm testing on my desktop, it's the same way I'm linking to my stylesheets. But Processwire field just gives me a broken link icon.
Is there a way to create my own folder of images, and just type out a path that will make that image show up?