I am using Antti Peisa's Multisite module. For those people who are not familiar with it. Here is the link: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/multisite/.
It works like this: It gets the current URL that visits the page via $config->httpHost and then redirects to a page who has the same name (e.g. get it via: $pages->get('/www.multi-site.com/')).
The problem: $config->httpHost is locally something like "multi-site.local" and the redirection does not work because the ".com" url is hardcoded as page name.
So I thought: Why not solve this problem by replacing the value of $config->httpHost in a module via:
$this->wire->config->httpHost = str_replace('.local', '.com', wire('config')->httpHost);
Is this a good way of doing this? And if yes: How can I say that my module loads first in the booting process? Are there any dangers with this approach? If so: any better ideas? I am not a great programmer
Thank you!