Hello everyone. I am in the process to understand how to build HTML blocks ( like cards, for example) with de possibility to edit/populate them with the confort and ease of use of Ckeditor. I built a template with 3 fields:
-Title: page title
-ckeditor1: textarea (the editor)
-card_html: textarea (the html code)
The template is associated to a page. The output will look to something like:
echo "<h3>{$page->card_html}</h3>";
Until there, no problem.
The question is about the card_html code: if I want to use ckeditor to populate my card, I must output the content generated by the editor, in the HTML code of the card_html field.
I tryed something like:
<div class="uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-grid-match" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-card uk-card-hover uk-card-body">
<h3 class="uk-card-title">My title</h3>
<?php echo $pages->get("/page-1/")->ckeditor1; ?>
The output shows: get("/page-1/")->ckeditor1; ?>
So : Or I am trying something impossible. Or I am doing it wrong.
Can anybody help ?
Thank you.