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Found 2 results

  1. I am trying to wrap my head around how to store data from a form into the database in Processwire - late Tuesday afternoon, groggy... I know there are lots of examples of 'simple forms using the API' and ' simple contact forms' and front-end edit forms 'with file upload' etc. Soma's original post from 2012 goes on with a nine page thread. It is hard to trace back what basic steps I should follow for PW3 in 2017. Let's say I want to collect the following data from visitors to my site: favorite color: ... spirit animal: ... submit button How would that work in Processwire? What are the basic steps? No mailing, no file upload, just storing data in a database. What is the PW way to do that? Minimal example? I have installed the FormHelper module. When I try to use that with $fh->create(); it echoes the word 'InputfieldForm' in the page. Is that another module? I'll report back with the solution when I figure it out.
  2. I am using FormHelper to create pages via front-facing forms. I am struggling with assigning one of the fields to the new page's name field dynamically generating its slug.
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