I have a hook in a ready.php file, that is supposed to fill a page’s field when a public form is submitted.
wire()->addHookBefore("Pages::saveReady", function(HookEvent $event) {
// do all that for font pages only
$page = $event->arguments(0);
// avoid the error “page can’t be saved”
if($page->template->name !== "font") return;
if(!$page->webfont_archive->count()) return;
// fills styles
foreach($page->webfont_archive->find("ext=woff2") as $font) {
$styleTitle = basename($font, ".woff2");
$styleName = wire('sanitizer')->pageName($styleTitle,true);
$styleToFind = wire('pages')->find("name=$styleName, template=repeater_font_styles");
wire('log')->save('vtf_custom', "TOFIND: ".$styleToFind);
$event->arguments(0, $page);
I noticed that $styleToFind is logged only when I use the form when being logged. Can someone explain me why? And how can I make sure it can be found also for guests (not logged in visitors)?