I'm using this to extract a number of listing from the database:
$garagesales = $pages->find("town_select=$town,sort=-Date");
then I list them off like this:
echo "<tr bgcolor=' $rowcolour '><td> $catlogo </td><td><a href='{$c->url}'>{$c->address1}</a></td><td><a href='{$c->url}'>{$c->address2}</a></td><td>{$c->postcode}</td><td>{$c->Date}</td></tr>";
The first task I want to achieve is to add a selector at the top on one of the pages to only select where the date is greater than today; I'm a little unsure how to do this. Is there a special variable to do something like this?
$garagesales = $pages->find("town_select=$town, Date>today, sort=-Date");