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  1. Hi, I have created a JS coundown timer displaying on a site. Example here: A-F33 At the moment the end date is hard coded into the function as a variable endDate. The time difference is based on the current time versus the endDate. What I would like to do is when a user arrives at the page the timer is set from that moment to a specific enddate, maybe based on a set number of days e.g 7, 14, 30 etc. Then when user 2 arrives at the page, say the next day the timer begins the countdown for that user for the same number of days. If user 1 returns to the page between the start of the coundown and the end he sees the time left relative to his visits and user 2 sees the time left relative to his visits, if that makes sense. I'm looking for advice on how to set this up and how to track each user. I thought I could use $session and set a custom expiry time. When the user's countdown reaches zero, I would like them to be taken to a custom page that explains that the offer has expired and what they can do next etc etc. So in a nutshell I would like each visitor to the page to have their own countdown initiated from their first visit. So each offer will have a set number of days to run for each user and at the end they are redirected to a n expiry page. I hope that makes sense?
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